History of the Founder of The Moo Duk Kwan Organization

History of the Founder of
The Moo Duk Kwan Organization
Teaching the martial arts style of Soo Bahk Do (Tang Soo Do)
Kwan Jang Nim
Hwang Kee
Nov. 9th 1914 – July 14th, 2002

Steven Lemner

(This project would not haven been possible without the guidance and historical input of Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang. Special thanks to Frank Bonsignore, Sa Bom Nim and Roberto Bonefont Sr., Sa Bom Nim for their insights and proof reading, and historical input.)
Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee
Founder of
The Moo Duk Kwan Organization©
In Teaching the Style of Martial arts called: Soo Bahk Do® (Tang Soo Do)
1862 June 13th: Hwang Kees father born Hwang Yong Hwan, Educated in Chinese Classics and History. He attended the Law Academy and held the title of Hoon Mun Gwan (Extensive Literary Scholar) He also held the position of Government Secretary.
Born: Hwang Kee: November 9, 1914 in Jang Dan, Kyong Ki province. (where the DMZ is now) Named Tae Nam (Star Boy), by his father, youngest of three children. One brother 20 years older, and one sister
1914 May 13th: the future Mrs. Hwang Kee was born ( Cho Kyung Kap)
1919: Hwang Kee’s mother passes away
1921: Exposed to Tae Kyun, Sip Pal Ki at a (Dan Oh festival) (7 yrs old)
1925: Started Elementary school, age 11
1928 April: Married Cho Kyung Kap (though an arranged marriage, typical of the time and culture) They had five children; two boys and three girls. Hwang Hyun Chul was the first son.
1935 March: Graduated High school, age 21 (on track team, abacus team, interest in astronomy)
1936: Began martial arts studies in Manchuria, China, Introduced to Master Yang, Kuk Jin
1936- 1945 Begins work for the Railway Company, Cho Sun Railway Bureau, Jo Yang Chun Station
1937: Returned to Seoul for personal reasons
1941: Returned to Manchuria, China, to visit and train with Master Yang.
1945: August 15th, World War II ends
1946: China become a Communist country. Hwang Kee is unable to communicate or visit Master Yang
November 9th, 1945: Founded the Moo Duk Kwan organization and established first, Hwa Soo Do class in the Ministry of Transportation, Yong San Ku, Seoul Korea
1947 March 4th: H. C. Hwang (Jin Mun Hwang) Born Seoul, Korea,(the oldest child)

1947 March: Attempted to unify the five major existing organizations in Korea:
A) Moo Duk Kwan
B) Chung Do Kwan
C) Yeun Moo Kwan
D) Song Moo Kwan
E) YMCA Kwon Bup Bu
1947: Presided as chairman at the first Hwa Soo Do demonstration in the Transportation High School Gymnasium
1947 May, 7th Established the first Regional branch Moo Duk Kwan school in Dae Jun City, Choong-Nam Province. Sam Hyun Nam (#4) was appointed as an Instructor
1947, June 5th, Established Moo Duk Kwan school , Teaching Hwa Soo Do (Tang Soo Do) school in the Department of Railways.
1947, July 7th, Established Moo Duk Kwan school , teaching Hwa Soo Do (Tang Soo Do) style in the Labor Department
1948: Arrested and tortured for the first time, in an unsuccessful attempt to force him to confess that he was a left-wing Communist sympathizer. After several days of torture and imprisonment he was released. (This event was precipitated by flyers, that were found on the floor where he taught that supported Communist activities and North Korean political policy. This was believed to be an attempt by a competitor to discredit him and his growing success and visibility of his martial arts organization)
1949, May 30th, Authored the first Hwa Soo Do Kyo Bohn textbook in Korea
1949 October 19th, 3rd Hwa Soo Do demonstration at Transportation Technical High School
1950, June 25th, Korean war begins and suspends teaching for seventeen months
1950 July: Hwang Kee’s family relocates to Seok Got Ri. (a village located in the town of Jang Dan Myun, which he was born, to be with family and relatives during these uncertain times)
1950 July: Hwang family’s one year old child dies, from the difficult times and conditions
1950: North Koreans begins to investigate the loyalty of employees of the Ministry of Transportation.
1950: Arrested a second time by Communist Party and North Korean military (after all employees are asked to write a biography describing their history, employment, political beliefs and loyalties). He fled to his fathers relative in Seoul, to escape, but was found, arrested, then released, then followed by party officials, and escaped using his martial arts skills, and fled to a cousins home in Tchang Sin Dong, Dong Dae Mun Ku, Seoul.

1950 September: General MacArthur’s forces move into Seoul, Hwang Kee returns home
1950: Returns to work at the Ministry of Transportation, and is arrested a third time and tortured in another unsuccessful attempt to make him confess, after a Mr. Kim, found evidence the North Koreans had forced him to write.
1951 January 4th: Hwang Kee and family flees on foot and railroad 146 miles southeast to Dae Gu. It was due to the January 4th Retreat by the North Korea and Chinese forces attack.
1951 June: Arrested a fourth time and accused of sympathizing with North Koreans, he resisted and was severely beaten, tortured by hanging upside down, water boarding, then trying to force him to confess. As he was lead one day by a guard with a rifle and given a blanket (use to wrap dead bodies), he was convinced that he was to be shot, the guard said he forgot something and they returned to torture him more. Thinking his family would be shot also if he did not confess, he signed a confession. His family was working to free him , and had a relative (Hwang Jin Young, Hwang Kee’s older brothers son, who was a prosecutor and carried a high level of authority, and powerful government position) after seeing him demanded his release, and commanded the police to apologize and rewrite their report and repudiate the confession.
1951 October: Hwang Family relocates to Pusan, opens a Moo Duk Kwan organization studio, teaching Tang Soo (Hwa Soo) Do at the Cho Ryang Station.
1951 November, Established temporary Moo Duk Kwan Headquarters in Cho Ryang-Dong, Pusan
1952 April, Began teaching at the Police Academy in Pusan
1952, October, Began instruction at the Ministry of Defense in Pusan
1953 September, Returned to Seoul to re-establish Moo Duk Kwan Headquarters after Korean War ends.
1953, Established Korean Tang Soo Do Association, presiding as Chairman
1953 November, Established Moo Duk Kwan studios in middle and high schools throughout Korea
1953 December, Applied to join Korean Athletic Association
1954 April, Established a Moo Duk Kwan studio in Mapo Correctional Facility, teaching Tang Soo Do
1954 July, Attempted to unify Korean Tang Soo Do Association and Korean Kong Soo Do Association (Chong Do Kwan, Jido Kwan, Chang Moo Kwan, Song Moo Kwan)
1955 May, Grand Opening of Moo Duk Kwan headquarters (43-1 Dong Ja-Dong, Choong Gu, Seoul)
1955 July, Established the following provincial Moo Duk Kwan branches: 1) Seoul: Tchang Young Chung (#15), Se Joon Oh (#26), Seong Heon Chung (#28), Poong Tcheon Kim (17), Hee Seok Choi (#5), Kang Ik Lee (#19), 2) Kyung Ki Do: In Seok Kim (#12), Yong Ha Park (#21), 3) Gang Won, 4) Kyung Buk: Jong Soo Hong (#10), 5) Kyung Nam: Eok Tcheon Lee (#49), 6)Chun Nam, 7) Choong Buk: Sam Hyun Nam (#4), Myong Soon Lim (#20).
1955 August, Ministry of Education prohibits teaching Tang Soo Do in middle and high schools throughout Korea
1955 August, Established a Moo Duk Kwan studio in Seo Dae Moon Correctional Facility, teaching Tang Soo Do style martial arts.
1955 August, Established a Moo Duk Kwan studio at Korean Air Force Headquarters. Young Tae Han (#37) was appointed as an Instructor, teaching Tang Soo Do.
1955 October 30th: Organized and chaired first International Goodwill Demonstration between Korea and China, at Si Gong Kwan (City Public Hall)
1956: Retires from Ministry of Transportation to focus fulltime on development of the Moo Duk Kwan
1956 March, Begins teaching at Korean Air Force Academy.
1956 March, Dispatched instructors to the following bases: Soo Won: Young Seok Kim(#32), Sa Chun: Myung Kyu Kang (#59), Dae Gu: Sang Seop Ji (#39), and Dae Jun Air Force Academy,
1956 May Begins instructing at Korean Navel Academy. Jin Tae Hwang (#11) was appointed as an Instructor.
1956 June, Established a Moo Duk Kwan studio at Korean Navel Headquarters. Young Taek Kim was appointed (#526)
1956 June, Established a Moo Duk Kwan studio , teaching a Tang Soo Do Style of martial arts at In Ha Engineering University. Young Ha Park (#21)
1956 October, Established a Moo Duk Kwan studio, teaching Tang Soo Do, at Korean Military Police Headquarters
1956 October, Established a Moo Duk Kwan studio at Army Printing Corps, teaching Tang Soo Do style
1956 November, Established a Moo Duk Kwan studio at the R.O.K. 2nd Army, teaching Tang Soo Do style
1957: Introduced to the Moo Yei Do Bo Tong Ji, at Seoul National Library, by Professor Na Hyun Seong of the Seoul National University
1957 Dale Drouillard (#757) becomes 1st American serviceman to achieve Dan under Hwang Kee, through the Moo Duk Kwan organization, teaching Tang Soo Do style of martial arts.
1957 May 18th, Taught Tang Soo Do at Seoul Technical High School
1957 May, Established a Moo Duk Kwan studio ,at Korean Marine Corps. Teaching Tang Soo Do style of martial arts. Soo Yong Cha (#269)
1957 July, Established a Moo Duk Kwan studio at Han Yang University in Seoul. Teaching Tang Soo Do style of martial arts. Hee Seok Choi (#5)
1957 September, Established Moo Duk Kwan studio at the U.S. 8th Army in Young San. Teaching Tang Soo Do style of martial arts. Sang Kyu Shim (#180)
1958 July, Authored second Tang Soo Do self-defense textbook (Tang Soo Do Bo Sin Bop)
1958 November 30th: International Goodwill Demonstration with Korea, China and USA, Seoul, Korea
1959 May, Established Moo Duk Kwan studio in Seoul Agricultural University in Soo Won. Teaching Tang Soo Do style of martial arts. Young Hwan Lee (#147)
1959 July, Established Moo Duk Kwan studio in Koryo University, Seoul. Teaching Tang Soo Do style of martial arts. Jin Gil Kim (#99).
1959 October, Established Moo Duk Kwan studio at Air Force University. Teaching Tang Soo Do style of martial arts. Nak Eon Baek (#194).
1959: Mariano Estioko (#759) becomes second American to achieve Dan under Hwang Kee’s Moo Duk Kwan organization.
1960 June, Authored Tang Soo Do self-defense textbook
1960 June, Created name “Soo Bahk Do” from ancient name of Soo Bahk, Soo Bahk Ki, or Soo Bahk Hee
1960 June 30th, Moo Duk Kwan and Ji Do Kwan organizations were joined as the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association, headed by Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee
1960 September, Published Moo Yei Si Bo (Martial Arts Newspaper)
1960 June 30th: Using ancient Korean martial arts name, incorporated and registered with the Korean Ministry of Education under the name of Dae Han Soo Bahk Do Hoe (Korean Soo Bahk Do Association) becoming the first member association
1960-1962: Returning servicemen and others begin opening Tang Soo Do studios in U.S. including:
Dale Drouilard (#757) in Wyandotte, Michigan / Robert Thompson(#1791) in Dayton Ohio / Lawrence Seiberlich(#1815) in St.Paul Min. / John Butterwick(#2277)Military / Robert Cheezic (#2278) Waterbury, CT. Carlos ‘Chuck’ Norris (#2819),Torrance Ca. / Frank Trojanowicz (#13333) / Joe Weeks(#3596),Magnolia Ar. Lynn Jackson(#3597) Oberlin, Ohio / James Ruston(#4130) Military / Russell Hanke(#4137)Detroit Mich. Robert Sohn (#6037) New York. / James Cummings(#4493)Military / Robert Shipley(#4825), Honolulu Hi David J. Praim(#3593), Mt. Clemems, MI, / Robert Beaudoin (#5657) Waterbury, CT. / Jong Hyan Lee (#1885), San Diego Ca. / Lynn Jackson (#3597) , Lorain Ohio / Ki Whang Kim (No Dan Bon) (Washington D.C.) / Shim Sang Kyu(#180) Wyandotte, Mi. / Ahn Kyong Won (#1763) Cincinnati, OH
1960 July: Ji Do Kwan becomes second member to join Korean Soo Bahk Do Association Moo Duk Kwan
1960 October: Instructors assigned to the following USA 8th Army branch studios: 8th Army Headquarters; Moon San: Kyu Sik Shin (#724), Dong Do Chun; Kyong Won Ahn (#1763) ; Inchon; Pusan: Jong Ha Lee (#2002).
1961 May 14th: Formed the Asian Tang Soo Do Association among Korea, Japan and Taiwan
1961: Col. John T. Butterwick (#2277) put in charge of the first U.S. Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan organization by Hwang Kee’s Moo Duk Kwan organization.
1961 May 16th: Military Revolution lead by Lt. General Park, Chong Hee begins.
1961-1965: Lt. General Park, Chong Hee and Korean Government forced Hwang Kee to stop the monthly publication of the Moo Yei Si Bo (Martial Arts Newspaper) and also released him as an instructor at the ROK Academy and National Police Academy with no reason. Both lead efforts to dissolve the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association, Moo Duk Kwan, and impede Hwang Kee’s activities.
1961 June: Established Chun Buk Province regional branch of the Moo Duk Kwan organization.
1961 June: Established Moo Duk Kwan studio at Hong Ik University, teaching Tang Soo Do style of martial arts.

1961 October: Established a Moo Duk Kwan organization in Michigan, USA.
1962 May: Established Tang Soo Do Association in USA
1962 May: Established a Moo Duk Kwan organization in France
1962 September: Re-registered Korean Soo Bahk Do Association due to ruling of new government
1962 September: Established Moo Duk Kwan organization / Association in Canada
1963: Ki Whang Kim comes to US (Washington D.C.) as Chairmen of Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan in US appointed by Hwang Kee through the Moo Duk Kwan organization.
1963 July: Established Tang Soo Do Association in England
1964: Shim Sang Kyu (#180) official representative of Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan in U.S. sponsored by Russell Hanke (#4137) to come to U.S. to the Detroit area
1964: Participated with Korean team in first Asian Tang Soo Do championship in Japan
1964 July: Established Moo Duk Kwan studio at Yeun Sae University, teaching Tang Soo Do style of martial arts.
1964 November: Established West German Tang Soo Do Association
1964 December: Board of Directors of Soo Bahk Do changed and registered with government
1964 December: Moo Duk Kwan announces revised charter and bylaws
1965: Sponsored and organized Asian Tang Soo Do Championship
1965 January: Established Moo Duk Kwan organization branches in Washington D.C., New York, Michigan, California, Washington, Texas and Florida.
1965-1979: Efforts to dissolve the Moo Duk Kwan and unify with Tae Kwon Do, by Lt. General Choi, Hong Hee and Korean Government .
These include some of the following actions:
A. Impediments to acquire passports/ visa’s to travel to teach Soo Bahk Do
B. Political pressure on Moo Duk Kwan instructors to leave the Moo Duk Kwan and join
Tae Kwon Do. (rank, materials, and political status)
C. Attempts to destroy organizations record of rank and seniority.
D. revoking the registration and recognition of the same Korean Soo Bahk Do Association,
Moo Duk Kwan
E. Prohibited from attending international events

1965 May: Korean Soo Bahk Do Association’s Legal status revoked; decision appealed to appellate level and relief granted.
1965 August: Established a Moo Duk Kwan organization in the Philippines. Casimiro Grandeza (#2883) teaching Tang Soo Do.
1965 December 28th : Korean Government appeals appellate decision to Supreme Court, won the judgment
1966 Dr. Robert Sohn (#6037) forms the N.Y Moo Duk Kwan Association. He with Edward Gross (#6780), Vincent Nuno (#7291) were put in charge by Grandmaster Hwang Kee to oversee teaching and promotions in the N.Y area.
1966 June 21st : Korean Government rules in favor of Korean Soo Bahk Do Association
1966 November: Revised Moo Duk Kwan regulations
1966 December: Revised charter and by-laws of Korean Soo Bahk Do Association as required by the Korean Government
1967: Established Moo Duk Kwan in Malaysia. Hwa Yong Chung (#410), Soon Ho Chang (#3722). teaching Tang Soo Do.
1968: Established a Moo Duk Kwan organization in Italy
1968: Sponsored and organized first World and fifth Asian Tang Soo Do Championship at Citizen Hall, Seoul
1968 August: Election of new Korean Soo Bahk Do Association Board of Directors and registration with government.
1968: Established a Moo Duk Kwan organization in Greece. George R. Page (#11772) teaching Tang Soo Do.
1969: Participated at the second World and sixth Asian Tang Soo Do Championship (Philippines)

1970 April : Published Soo Bahk Do Dae Kham (Korean Version)
1973: Awarded “Da Ma Roo” from Philippines President Marcos
1973 May: Dispatched HC Hwang (DB509) to Greece
1974 March: Established a Moo Duk Kwan organization in Belgium (Instructor: Beom Ju Lee #11870) teaching Tang Soo Do.
1974 October: United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan directors convention and general meeting of all USA members at Burlington, NJ
The Task Force Members were: (Sa Boms /Masters and other) 1. Jae Chul Shin (#698) 2. Robert Thompson(#1791) 3. Tchang Bok Chung (#12641) 4. Chuck Blackburn (#12197) 5. Arthur Fontaine (#14350) 6. Joe Weeks (#3696) 7. Andy Ahpo (#10187), and Charles di Pierro.
Officers of the first Board of Directors, of the U.S. Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation™ were:
Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee, President
Hyun Chul Hwang(#509) TAC Chairman, Charles di Pierro, Chairman of Board, Victor Martinov (#10189), Vice Chairman of Board,
Andy Ah Po (#10187), Secretary , Arthur Pryor (16505) , Treasurer
additional members of the board were: Chun Sik Kim (#2457) , Russ Hanke (#4137), Frank Trojanowicz (#13333), Robert Shipley (#4825), Lynn Jackson (#3597) , Robert Kingsley (#6044), Tchang-Bok Chung (#12641), Joe Weeks (#3596), Larry Seiberlich (#1815), Jeff Moonitz (#17650), Fred Kenyon (#14345), Bob Beaudoin (#5661), Ben Cortese (#11689), Frank Bonsignore (#15805), Dennis Miller (#18430), Ronald Savage (#15879), Lyn Stanwich, James Lee (#14317)
1975 June 28th: United States Soo Bahk Do Charter convention and special seminar by Grandmaster Hwang Kee (Hilton Hotel, NY)
The Charter was ratified making this event the official birth of the Federation.
Those in attendance were: (Sa Boms/Masters/Dans)
Kwan Jang Nim Hwang, Kee, Hyun Chul Hwang (#509), Chun Sik Kim (#2457), Yong Ki Hong (#4142), Andy Ah Po (#10187), Carl Jenkins (#18983), Ronald Savage (#15879), Dennis E. Miller (#18430), Peter Canciani (#18911), Warren Adams, Jeff Moonitz (#17650), Frank Trojanowicz (#13333), Paul Johnson, Frank Bonsignore (#15805), Arthur Pryor (#16505), Benjamin Cortese (#11689), Larry Seiberlich (#1815), Robert Fernandez, Jr. (#17927), Robert Fernandez, Sr. (#14464), Joe Weeks (#3596), Ki Yul Yu (#5311), Holly A. Whitehouse (#18943), James N. Rushton, Victor Martinov (#10189), Fred Kenyon (#14345), Joyce M. Keyes (#19448), Russell Hanke (#4137), Robert Beaudoin (#5661), Robert Rondelli (#17416), Psyche Harry Smith (#18143), James Lee (#14317), Greg William (#11695), Robert Shipley (#4825)

1974 November: Participated in first Pan-Hellenic Martial Arts Championship in Athens, Greece
1976 October: Each foreign branch holds Soo Bahk Do meeting and convention
1977 January 19th: Korean Tae Kwon Do Association established a policy to eliminate the traditional and historic names of the Kwan’s. and to identify them by number.
1977 May: Organized and conducted special National Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Championship at Concord Hotel, Monticello, NY
1977: Developed the Il Soo Sik standardization
1978: Developed the Ho Sin Sool standardization
1978 October: 3rd World Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Championship at London, England
1978 November 9th: Hwang Kee turns 64
1980 July: Sponsored and participated in World Ko Dan Ja meeting in Newark , NJ
1980 December: Sponsored and organized Goodwill Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Championships between Korea and USA held at Jang Choong Gym, Seoul
1981 September: Sponsored and participated in World Ko Dan Ja meeting, regarding 1982 World Championships in Atlantic City, NJ
1982 May: Special Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan seminar and clinic held at U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado
1982 November 4th: International and fourth United States National Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Championship at Atlantic City, NJ. during which Hwang Kee presented the first public presentation of material translated from the Moo Yei Do Bo Tong Ji (Hwa Sung Hyung)
1982 December: England national Soo Bahk Do Championship
1983: August: Sponsored and organized special Chil Sung Hyung seminar and clinic
1983 December; Organized and attended the FIRST week long Ko Dan Ja testing, Springfield, NJ
1984 October: 6th United States Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Championship at West Point Military Academy Gym, NY
1984: Developed the Tanto standardization
1984 November: All England National Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Championship
1984 November: Special Chil Sung Clinic for European region at London , England
1985: Developed the Bong standardization
1985 March: Attended special Chil Sung Clinic for the South East Asia region at Sarawak, Malaysia
1987 July: Special International Summer Camp Training at Pathwork Center, NY

1987 December: Attended special Chil Sung Hyung Clinic for South America at Buenos Aires, Argentina
1988 March: Organized special clinic for European region at Athens, Greece
1988 May: Grand opening ceremony for new building for World Moo Duk Kwan Headquarters, Seoul, Korea
1988: Special clinic and Ko Dan Ja meeting for Southeast Asia region at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1988 November: Attended Tenth United States Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Championship at West Point, NY
1988 December: Sponsored and organized World Ko Dan Ja special training in Seoul, Korea
1989 January: Attended Ko Dan Ja meeting and initiates discussion of “Mission 2000” agenda
1989 March: Opening of new Headquarters for the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association, Seoul, Korea
1989 May 15th: Sponsored and attended International Soo Bahk Do Goodwill Demonstration and clinics at the Lotte Hotel in Seoul, Korea
1989: Black Belt Magazines “Man of the Year”
1990 January: announces “Mission 2000”, along with long range plan for the future of the Moo Duk Kwan
1990 March: Conducted International Seminar, London, England
1990 March: Conducted National Clinics in Belgium, Italy, and Greece
1990 April: Organized special Ko Dan Ja meeting of Korean Soo Bahk Do Association Moo Duk Kwan in Seoul, Korea
1991 March: Conducted the FIRST Yuk Ro clinics presenting material and movements translated form the Moo Yei Do Bo Tong Ji
1991 December: International demonstration and clinic, Mar Del Plata, Argentina
1992 March: Published 424 pages of Soo Bahk Do (Korean Version) describing the Yuk Ro movements form the Moo Yei Do Bo Tong Ji.
1992 March: Conducted Yuk Ro and Chil Sung Hyung clinics, Headquarters, Seoul, Korea
1992 June: Attended the International Demonstration and Clinics at Athens, Greece
1992 November: Published Soo Bahk Do (Tang Soo Do) Volume II (English Version)
1993: Presented an award for “his Contributions to better human relations” by the New York Korean Association
1993 April: Conducted the annual European clinic, Bruxelles, Belgium
1993 June: Published History of Moo Duk Kwan (Korean Version)

1993 August; Published Moo Do Chul Hahk ( Korean Version)
1993 August: Published Instructional Guides for Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan (4 Volumes)
1993 November: The 1st Youth Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Goodwill Championship, Zurich, Switzerland
1994 February: Official announcement of the Moo Duk Kwan 50th Anniversary event in Seoul, Korea
1994 June: Annual European Clinic and meeting for preparing the European Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation, Bruxelles, Belgium
1994 September: International Youth Goodwill Championship, Zurich, Switzerland
1994 September: Official birth of the European Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation, Zurich, Switzerland
1994 October: Appointed Task force member for future Mexican National Moo Duk Kwan Federation
1994 October: Last time Hwang Kee attends the Ko Dan Ja, in the United States
1994 December: Published Limited Edition for the Instructional Guides (Hard cover, all four volumes)
1995 January: Sponsored Technical Advisory Committee meeting, San Diego, California
1995 April: 1st European Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation Clinic and meeting
1995: History of the Moo Duk Kwan (English Version)
1995 September: 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Moo Duk Kwan, Seoul, Korea Culture and Educational Center, Seoul, Korea
1996 August 3rd: The U.S. Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation Inc. changed it’s name to the U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation Inc.
1997 October 14th: Mrs. Hwang Kee, Cho Kyung Kap passes away at the age of 83 (married to Hwang Kee for 69 years)
2000 October: 55th Anniversary Celebration of the Moo Duk Kwan. Millennium visit to Seoul, Korea for Hwang Kee from World wide.
2000: 1st Moment with the Masters held with Ko Dan Ja testing
2002 October: 1st Korean Ko Dan Ja week long Testing at Dae Doon Mountain.
2002 July 14th: Hwang Kee passes away. ( 88/89 yrs old **depending on Korean birth traditions)
2005: 60th Anniversary Celebration of the Moo Duk Kwan, Seoul, Korea


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