Grandmaster Promotions Annouced
With the birth of Taekwon-Do on April 11 1955 when Taekwon-Do was given its name, many in the name of Taekwon-Do have been promoted to 9th Dan (degree). General Choi first appointed 9th Dan was Rhee, Ki-ha of Scotland, followed closely by Chuck Sereff and then Hwang, Kwang-sung in 1997. These are of course 9th Dans in the International Taekwon-Do Federation and do not include those promoted in any of the ITF’s since or other organizations in the world. However, with so many grandmasters its a matter of time in grade, or connections of financially motivated promotions that we see all to much in the world of Taekwon-Do.
Today is one of those days that I can say is a great day in the world of Taekwon-Do, the Kido Kwan and its members and martial artist in general. I am pleased to announce that
Master Gwen F. Hall of Corpus Christi Texas USA is now recognized as GRANDMASTER GWEN F. HALL 9th Dan. Grandmaster Hall has been involved in the martial arts for over fifty years actively teaching during the whole time. She has been involved in Taekwon-Do since 1968 and is senior to so many other Grandmasters that have been promoted before her. So please take the time to thank Grandmaster Hall by sending her a congratulations email message and please feel free to contact her for any help in the Taekwon-Do field.
We will upload an updated bio soon!
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