It has been ten (10) years ago today (15 June) that we lost General Choi, Hong-hi (최홍희/崔泓熙) to stomach cancer and complications and he died in a Pyongyang, North Korean (DPRK) Hospital the Kim Man Yu Patriot Hospital (김만유애국병원) surrounded by his wife, a couple of students and officials of the North Korean Taekwon-Do Committee.
So much has happened in these ten (10) years, that it could feel volumes! So many people have claimed that he wanted this or that, or that he promoted this guy or gal over the other guy/gal etc. However, a good majority of it is just pure fiction! Yes, fiction! So many of today’s Taekwon-Do students speak of him as if they had direct knowledge of what General Choi wanted. I have seen and even had conversations about General Choi from “kids” (those who started Taekwon-Do just prior (was low rank) or shortly after his death) that its kinda sad to hear what they say. That only they or their instructors are the ones following General Choi’s last wishes!
Just prior to his death, the International Taekwon-Do Federation®/I.T.F. already was in trouble, and had been for some time. Especially after the events of 9/11 as many countries like the U.S.A., U.K., Canada, France, Germany etc. had followed the lead of then President George Bush when he declared that North Korea (DPRK) was part of the Axis of Evil and so sanctions became more stringent. North Korea needed to maintain a hold on the organizations such as the I.T.F. to “repay loans” and other avenues of revenues that many masters and instructors, even prior to 9/11 started to voice their concerns.
Many of us know well that General Choi’s son, Grand master Choi, Jung-hwa was set to replace his father at the I.T.F. Congress held in Rimini, Italy. Then, Master Choi, Jung-hwa had already made known (some say purposely, others say it was over heard by those that didn’t “like” him) that he would not allow any North Korean’s to maintain a hold of the I.T.F. and other issues, that were not such a “hot bed” topics at the time.
So, prior to General Choi, passing, there was a “Special Congress” that has now become part of the “folklore” of the I.T.F. history it had reversed it’s decision held in 2001 in Rimini, Italy and declared the previous Congress was void, and so, within hours, the General’s son, set up “shop” at his home in Canada and then in an office building, and so, started the first split of the I.T.F. officially, although, the writing was well on the wall at least as early as 1998 if not before.
Many of us, including the Kido Kwan™ where caught in this mess, we became the first USA group to lend support to the I.T.F. under Choi, Jung-hwa with INO#27 (Independent National Organization). We also, supported the I.T.F. under General Choi and then Chang Ung as we felt it was in best interest to keep both channels of communication open, and we did, for six years, along with many others throughout the world. However, like many other INO leaders, we began to realize that the then Master Choi, wasn’t going to do much if anything different, if anything, situations became worse in some aspects.

The I.T.F. again, divided from 1/2 to 1/3 just prior to General Choi’s funeral service held in Pyongyang and supported by a majority of the NGB’s (National Governing Bodies) of the I.T.F. of General Choi. Just after, with the I.T.F. HQ in Vienna still being in the “hands” of Master Thomas McCallum started to issue statements from the I.T.F. declaring many things, everything from expelling members, masters, grand masters to declaring that General Choi’s last wish and will regarding the I.T.F. was made under duress etc.
All of this now, while important part of the history of the I.T.F. and Taekwon-Do in general, matters little ten years later! Many of his “most loyal” and dedicated students, have nearly all left the I.T.F.! Grand master Charles “Chuck” Sereff A-9-1; Grand master Rhee, Ki-ha GB-9-1; Grand master Hwang, Kwang-sung K-9-1 have all severed ties with the I.T.F. over the last decade in one form or the other!
What we need to do is remember the passing of General Choi by learning and teaching his Taekwon-Do to our students, to learn from EVERYONE as General Choi did in fact teach differently to different groups over the years; Taekwon-Do is not the I.T.F., the I.T.F. is not Taekwon-Do! To follow as close as we can his writings and those of his students. Taekwon-Do is not, and should not be a stagnant art! It never was, anyone having the 1959 Korean Text on Taekwon-Do to the most current text prior to his death will being to contest to these facts. We should not however, make the claim(s) that it is what the General wanted, he is gone, and has been now for a decade! A whole new generation is being taught his art, and we should not delude them with the nonsense of who is better, who was right, who is wrong etc! We should follow two basic ideas that he always wanted, and that we know for sure! 1) Taekwon-Do is for EVERYONE! 2) Taekwon-Do should have UNITY!
Here is what Grand Master Rhee, Ki-ha (First Grandmaster Rhee/FGR) has said….
15th June 2012 is the 10th anniversary of the passing of our Founder & Taekwon-Do Father, General Choi Hong Hi. I wish that he was still physically here guiding & helping us, I cherish the fond memories that I have of the time I was fortunate to have spent with him. On this day millions of us will be remembering & appreciating him, as without our Taekwon-Do Father, none of us would be what we are today, & we would not share our common bond, which is Taekwon-do.General Choi’s philosophy was that Taekwon-do is for everyone & his dream was unification. His lifetime accomplishments speak for themselves, Taekwon-do is practiced in nearly every country in the world, but sadly he passed away before his dream of unity could be realised. We love our Founder & we love our Art, this itself should bring us together. It is time to stop squabbling over who is right or who is wrong, or who legally owns what, & concentrate on building bridges to achieve the unity that our Founder was working towards, & keep the Taekwon-do spirit alive.
Actions speak louder than words; it is time to stop talking & start doing to produce results. Our main priority must be working together in a courteous & peaceful manner regardless of organisational background to achieve the unity that our Founder wished. We must realise that it is our way of thinking & our actions now that will shape the future of General Choi’s legacy.
Let me leave you with one last word….below is the Death Poem of the Korean Patriot Seong Sam-mun (성삼문·1418–1456)
What shall I become when this body is dead and gone?
A tall, thick pine tree on the highest peak of Bongraesan,
Evergreen alone when white snow covers the whole world.
As the sound of drum calls for my life,
I turn my head where sun is about to set.
There is no inn on the way to underworld.
At whose house shall I sleep tonight?
이 몸이 주거 가서 무어시 될고 하니,
봉래산(蓬萊山) 제일봉(第一峯)에 낙락장송(落落長松) 되야 이셔,
백설(白雪)이 만건곤(滿乾坤)할 제 독야청청(獨也靑靑) 하리라.
擊鼓催人命 (격고최인명) -둥둥 북소리는 내 생명을 재촉하고,
西風日欲斜 (회두 일욕사) -머리를 돌여 보니 해는 서산으로 넘어 가려고 하는구나
黃泉無客店 (황천무객점) -황천으로 가는 길에는 주막조차 없다는데,
今夜宿誰家 (금야숙수가) -오늘밤은 뉘 집에서 잠을 자고 갈거나
Master Student of Taekwon-Do
Director-General Kido Kwan™
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