Email exchanges from then Master John Tompkins

08 Apr 2004 17:49:22
From a True Master
April 6, 2004Please see below for an address from Master Tompkins regarding the
recent recruitment campaign letters being sent out by previous ITF
members.This letter has been developing for a long time and I have not wanted
to write about any one in particular; not until my student’s and I
began to receive letters inviting us to inquire about the virtues of
joining the so called ICTF, the “True Pioneers” of TaeKwon-Do. Now I
have heard it all!Grand Master Nam Tae Hi is honorary president. I would truly like to
visit with Grand Master Nam Tae Hi about this policy of enticing
students to switch from one organization to another. I trained with
Grand Master Nam in 1966 in Malaysia and I know this person. While I
do not expect him to remember this lowly red belt from among the
thousands he has worked with, I do know his spirit was not one with
this kind of chicanery. That is of course unless he has become
desperate or has been misled and I do not believe this to be true. I
have experienced many “True Pioneers” in my travels through the world
of TaeKwon-Do and only the very few were real. Grand Master Nam was
one!.Other Masters evolved, insisting on using the sacred rights of the
Master to intimidate all of us na�ve caucasians. We gave of our time,
our fortunes and our bodies to further their pioneering efforts (bank
accounts). Right behind those “True Pioneers” were the “Golden Boys”,
the caucasions, who, over the years figured out the scam and are now
cashing in on the “I was there at the beginning” scam.Through it all I was the chief country bumpkin. I rode into town on a
load of pumpkins thinking that if they were a Korean Master they had
to know it all. Eventually, with the tutelage of General Choi and
Grand Master Park , some political lessons that left me bruised
bloodied and much wiser from Grand Master Sereff and hard lessons
taught to me by some of the students I had misplaced my trust in, I
finally learned to take care of my people. I learned to keep my cards
close to my chest and to know the real definition of the word
experience; “Learning to recognize a mistake the second time you make

After many years in the ITF and all of the seminars, world
championships etc, my instructor, Grand Master Park formed the GTF and
I did the only thing possible; I remained true to my instructor. I
remained that way until his illness precluded him from running the GTF
in reasonable manner. It was after Grand Master Parks death and
several months of watching the ITF that I went to Master Choi, Jung,
Hwa’s house and met him personally. It was at that time I decided to
plant the feet of the Phoenix Group in his back yard and wait for the
ITF to grow around him. I have found him to be a man of his word and
to be easy to work with.

When I first met “Grand Master” Kong (his title, I noticed the ITF
expelled him as a 6th degree.) his main concern was how soon I could
organize a seminar and how big it would be. When he found out, we were
all small clubs spread out all over the USA; it was the last of his
interest in our group except for the normal amenities. (If he would
have just waited, he could have been part of the 100-person seminar we
just had for Master Choi) I was not surprised when he turned his back
on Master Choi and neither am I surprised at this sudden burst of

Phoenix Group students have purchased many uniforms from Mr. Cariati’s
“Cazzoto” and it was just recently I received my first martial arts
phone call from him. He said he was just calling as a friend although
he did not have many good things to say about Master Choi and actually
relayed some rather nasty comments made in the inner circle of
administrators about me in a private meeting when Master Choi’s ITF
had their first convention. At first I thought it was just a friend’s
good intentions whose mouth was running a little loose. Now after
seeing the letter campaign, trying to get us to switch over I know
differently; I am truly disappointed in this type of conduct.

Students of the ITF, If you are happy where you are, then stay there.
Master Choi will be the first to tell you to stay in your organization
if you are happy with it. Always discuss things with your
instructor/president at length before you do anything. I can tell you
I always call where a student or club comes from to find out why they

Some persons are jumping ship for a phony rank advancement. The
promoting Master will assure you deserve the promotion just as much as
his or her bank account does. While it certainly will fell good to get
your next promotion, it will not help your reputation.

This business of trying to recruit from among other ITF organizations
with letter writing campaigns is beneath the normal standards of
dignity and decorum. If you get any kind o letter such as this from
some one in Master Choi’s group, I would like to know about it.

Getting an honest inquiry from a club in other groups is a different
case then what I am discussing in this letter.

In closing, there can only be my request to the so called ICTF to
cease this shabby method of recruiting students, quit besmirching the
good name of others by referring to your selves as the “True Pioneers”
and leave the Phoenix Group out of this type of recruiting.

Master John Tompkins

8th Degree


Phoenix Group

09 Apr 2004 01:18:26
Re: From a True Master
TRUE-ITF wrote:
> Through it all I was the chief country bumpkin.

Impressive title. How does that pay?> I rode into town on a
> load of pumpkins

What does that have to do with Taekwando?<snip of lots of disparaging comments about someone or another?> Master John Tompkins
> 8th Degree
> President
> Phoenix Group

Wow. I have never in my life seen a more critical and slanderous TKD Master
in my life. How old are you, 14? Any Master I know (a few) would not
write such an hostile and insulting open letter on Usenet, whether or not
your rants and raves were true. The fact that you did not substantiate a
single claim of yours also does not add to your credibility.–
Ah, Young Grasshopper.
Sometimes it is eyes that blind a man.
09 Apr 2004 19:08:20
Re: From a True Master
I dont know about what you detail in your other post, although it may just
be a bit one sided perhaps!!!!I got hold of a copy of the ICTF email (although I didn`t get one myself!!)
and it reads like this:
To Whom It May Concern:We would like to take this opportunity to introduce The International
Ch’ang-Hon Taekwon Do Federation.
Our organization was established on the 24th of October, 2003 in St.
Albert, Alberta, Canada.The members who run the federation, are supported by our honorary president
Grand Master Nam Tae Hi, and our president Grand Master Kong, Young Il.The ICTF is trying to re-establish the true pioneers of Taekwon-do, since
many members of the ITF have divided following the death of our great
General Choi Hong Hi.Our goals are to find and pave a better and more democratic path for our
instructors and students of the past and future.

We will continue to teach, promote and preserve the art of Taekwon-do in
the matter that was taught to us by our late founding father General Choi
Hang Hi.

If you would like know more about the ICTF the following link will take you
to our website where further information can be acquired.


Membership Committee
Seems to me to be just an email informing taekwon-do peeps of their presence
on the world scene of TKD, it doesnt even invite them to join, just links
them to more information!

Having been ‘touched/burnt’ by so called demoncratic ITF organisations of
the past, I was intrigued but cautious of this organisation! So I went to
the source, Master Kong, and interviewed him for the UK Martial Arts press.
Although I can`t release the actual interview until its been in the MA mags,
I will tell you the following:

Your emails seem to name drop a lot of people, slagging the ICTF off (of
which I am not a member btw), but the names you drop, I (and most other
people probibly) have never heard of!!! In reply to a reply of his I asked:
Whose idea was it to form the ICTF?

Grand Master Kong, Yong Il: Grand Master CK Choy and Grand Master JC Kim
(both from Vancouver, Canada) and Grand Master Nam Tae Hi (presently living
in LA, USA) and I all felt that the existing organizations were not “true”
to its members. As pioneers of TAEKWON-DO and all members of the original
TAEKWON-DO Demonstration Team with General Choi, we felt it was time to form
an organization for the members to carrying on the General’s legacy.

Another good friend of mine from Spain, Master Kim Mu Won, who was my
student in the 60s, also came on board along with Grand Master Park Bu Kwan
from Texas and Master Kong, Young Bo (from Pennsylvania – who was the first
ITF World Champion in 1974). Together we had to tools and experience to
ensure a very strong organization which focused on its members and further
Taekwon-Do techniques.

We all got together and had a meeting in February 2003 and formed the WITF
and then went on to change the name to the International Ch’ang-Hon
Taekwon-Do Federation. It was officially established on October 23, 2003.

### Hows that for name dropping 🙂 Are you sure CK Choy, JC Kim, Nam Tae
Hi, Park Bu Kwan & Kong Young Bo have all made bad decisions, considering
they are all famous in their own right in the first play & don`t actually
need to be part of anything except their own organisations!!!

On the other issues of fees: The ITF charge $550 + the NGB fees for a 6th
degree grading, where as the ICTF charge $50 (registration) & the examiners
(ie. Master Kong himself) get $50, thats $100 total….. so whos clocking
the big bank account!!!!

Finally, on the issue of switching/joining associations to up-grade grades
etc. This is wrong and I cant say whether it has happened or not as i dont
know, but neither General Choi, nor his son were/are above this, as I know
of many examples!

Also, how can Choi Jung Hwa de-promote Kong Young Il, who was graded 9th
degree by General Choi himself & is higher than Choi Jung Hwa!!!! It sounds
as if Kong left & someone was annoyed, hence the de-promotion words on the
web site!!!! Can one of your students de-promote you?

As for me, I am still undecided if I want to join another big organisation
yet! But from those letters you posted, all I got was that the ITF is
running scared & the usual bitching & back stabbing is going on! Same as
always, but this one, cos of the names involved & its `every member votes`
policy is a bigger threat than most!

Dont get involved is my opinion, let the big boys play, why we train!!!

Just thought a fair & equal/unbiased view was needed after those strong


“Grasshopper” < > wrote in message
> TRUE-ITF wrote:
> > Through it all I was the chief country bumpkin.
> Impressive title. How does that pay?
> > I rode into town on a
> > load of pumpkins
> What does that have to do with Taekwando?
> <snip of lots of disparaging comments about someone or another?
> > Master John Tompkins
> > 8th Degree
> > President
> > Phoenix Group
> Wow. I have never in my life seen a more critical and slanderous TKD
> in my life. How old are you, 14? Any Master I know (a few) would not
> write such an hostile and insulting open letter on Usenet, whether or not
> your rants and raves were true. The fact that you did not substantiate a
> single claim of yours also does not add to your credibility.
> —
> ____________________________
> Ah, Young Grasshopper.
> Sometimes it is eyes that blind a man.

10 Apr 2004 05:51:45
Re: From a True Master
September 18, 2003Regarding the recent expulsion of Mr. Kong, Young Il VIth Dan

Mr. Kong, Young Il ITF VIth Dan has been expelled from the
International Taekwon-Do Federation for conduct unbecoming a member of
the International Taekwon-Do Federation and causing embarrassment to
those qualified Dan Holders and Masters around the world, thereby
denigrating the martial arts in general.

For continued lack of moral and ethics s a “senior” practitioner and
alleged repeated questionable and illegal business practices in the
name of the International Taekwon-Do Federation, thereby causing
confusion and harm to ITF-Korea.

For further details ITF-Korea can be contacted.

September 14, 2003

The Following ITF Member has been expelled from the International
Taekwon-Do Federation

Mr. Kong, Young Il ITF 6th Dan

For any Questions or concerns contact the Headquarters of the
International Taekwon-Do Federation

10 Apr 2004 22:41:46
Re: From a True Master
Ah! You didn`t like my post did you? Funny cos I got no axe to grind either
way, having never been a member of either organisations, I was with the
original ITF before it split! Not an member of any ITF now though!I only posted that as no-named lackys, coming on posting things from web
sites, slagging people off they no nothing about, like little clones with no
mind or thoughts of their own, gets on my dam nerves!Anyway, back to this post, big deal if that story is true (the business gone
bad thing), your Master (Choi) was arrested for trying to assinate someone,
but you choose to follow him! Besides which, slagging people off that leave
is common-practice unfortunatly in TKD circles (I guess you aint been around
much)On another subject you (well you on your instructors behalf) touch on, ie.
money. Did you collect all the ‘baseball’ cards Master Choi was thinking of
selling to his members!!!!! LOL – you do know about that as your so well
informed don`t you?Finally, instead of quote or pasting things off web sites, why don`t you
reply to my previous post with thoughts from your own mind, or is that too
hard as you`ve no responses!!!!Stuart

Ps. Does your instructor know/endorse you are using his letters/posts to
slag of masters on usenet!!!!! Im sure he`d be patting you on the back for

“TRUE-ITF” < > wrote in message…
> September 18, 2003
> Regarding the recent expulsion of Mr. Kong, Young Il VIth Dan
> Mr. Kong, Young Il ITF VIth Dan has been expelled from the
> International Taekwon-Do Federation for conduct unbecoming a member of
> the International Taekwon-Do Federation and causing embarrassment to
> those qualified Dan Holders and Masters around the world, thereby
> denigrating the martial arts in general.
> For continued lack of moral and ethics s a “senior” practitioner and
> alleged repeated questionable and illegal business practices in the
> name of the International Taekwon-Do Federation, thereby causing
> confusion and harm to ITF-Korea.
> For further details ITF-Korea can be contacted.
> —-
> September 14, 2003
> The Following ITF Member has been expelled from the International
> Taekwon-Do Federation
> Mr. Kong, Young Il ITF 6th Dan
> For any Questions or concerns contact the Headquarters of the
> International Taekwon-Do Federation


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