Pyong Ahn Cho Dan Hyung

Pyung Ahn Cho Dan Hyung 평안조단형

This is the first of five consecutive forms that comprise the Pyung Ahn Hyung; when a combined total of 145 moves.  Each of these introduces something new and requires about 15 months of practice to learn well. The Korean word Pyung Ahn, translated means:

  • Pyung = Well Balanced, Calm, Peaceful
  • Ahn = Safe Comfortable, Secure

Mastery of the Pyung Ahn Hyung will cause these attributes to be present in the practitioner. The Pyung Ahn Hyung is said to be the Forms of the Turtle or the Forms of Spring and is associated with the Green Belt, although Pyung Ahn Cho Dan is typically taught to 8th Gup Orange Belts.

Pyung Ahn Cho Dan follows the same floor pattern as the first three Hyung, however, the concept of combination moves is introduced.  For example, moves number 4 and 5 below are performed as a sequence with one instructor ki-yup. Move 6 is also a combination move. While some new techniques are introduced, other parts of the hyung will be very familiar to the student as the first three moves and 10 through 17 are the same as Hyung Ill Bu (Motion 1).


  1. Turn to the left 900 and Low Block. Front Stance.
  2. Step forward and Middle Punch. Front Stance.
  3. Turn 1800 to the right and Low Block. Front Stance.
  4. Move the right blocking arm towards the groin rotating the wrist 1800 until the palm faces outward. Slide right foot back towards right foot forming an ‘L’ with heels about 3 inches apart. The back should be bent slightly.
  5. Straighten your body up. Move straightened right arm in a large clockwise circle, first crossing in front of the body, over your head, rotating the wrist 1800, and end with the arm straight out to the right parallel with the ground about collar bone height. Turn body 900 to the right stepping in the direction of the outstretched arm and Middle Punch. Front Stance.
  6. Turn to the left 900 and with waist-twist left arm Low Block. Cross arms and left arm Middle Knife Hand Block.Front Stance.
  7. Step forward and right arm High Defense. Good twist, Front Stance.
  8. Step forward and left arm in High Defense. Good twist, Front Stance.
  9. Step forward and right arm High Defense. Good twist, Front Stance. Ki-yup.
  10. Turn 2700 to the left and left arm Low Block. Front Stance.
  11. Step forward and Middle Punch. Front Stance.
  12. Turn 1800 to the right and Low Block. Front Stance.
  13. Step forward and Middle Punch. Front Stance.
  14. Turn 900 to the left and Low Block. Front Stance.
  15. Step forward and Middle Punch. Front Stance.
  16. Step forward and Middle Punch. Front Stance.
  17. Step forward and Middle Punch. Front Stance. Ki-yup.
  18. Right-hand moves, open palmed, behind back at the waist. Left-hand moves, open palmed, up to the right ear, palm facing ear. Raise left knee until thigh is parallel with the floor. Turn 2700 to the left; place the left leg down in a Fighting Stance.
  19. Move the left arm down and the right arm up in a Low Knife Hand Block. Fighting Stance.
  20. Turn 450 to the right and right arm Low Knife Hand Block. Fighting Stance.
  21. Turn 1350 to the right and right arm Low Knife Hand Block. Fighting Stance.
  22. Turn 450 to the left and left arm Low Knife Hand Block.Fighting Stance.


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