Jee Sang Hyung

JEE SANG 지상 池面

“JEE” means earth- representing the foundation of the world.

“SANG” means above the earth- representing the spirit of the GTF.

The 24 movements signify the 24 hours of every day that we learn, connect with each other, gain insight, knowledge and wisdom.

The 4 directions in this pattern represent our inner compass…with it we will never lose our way. When we connect the “JEE” and the “SANG” we connect the heaven and earth to create an invisible strength that lives on.

Movements -24

  1. Move the left foot to B, forming a left walking stance while executing a low left knife-hand block.

2.Move the right foot to B, forming a right walking stance while executing a middle right inner forearm side block.

3.Move the right foot to A, turning clockwise to form a right walking stance toward A while executing a low right knife-hand block.

4.Move the left foot to A, forming a left walking stance while executing a middle left inner forearm side block.

5.Move the left foot to D, turning counter clockwise, forming a left walking stance while executing a low left knife-hand block.

6.Move the right foot to D, forming a right walking stance while executing a middle right inner forearm side block.

7.Move the right foot to C, turning clockwise to form a right walking stance toward C while executing a low right knife-hand block.

8.Move the left foot to C, forming a right walking stance while executing a middle left inner forearm side block.

9.Move the left foot to A, forming a left walking stance while executing a low left outer forearm block.

10.Move the right foot to A, forming a left L-stance while executing a middle outward right knife-hand block.

11.Move the right foot to B turning clockwise to form a right walking stance towards B while executing a low right outer forearm block.

12.Move the left foot to B, forming a right L-stance while executing a middle outward block with the left knife-hand.

13.Move the left foot to C, forming a left walking stance while executing a low left outer forearm block.

14.Move the right foot to C, forming a left L-stance while executing a middle outward right knife-hand block.

15.Move the right foot to D, turning clockwise to form a right walking stance towards D while executing a low right outer forearm block.

16.Move the left foot to D, forming a right L-stance while executing a middle outward left knife-hand block.

17.Execute a front high rising kick to D with the right foot.

18.Lower the right foot to D, forming a right walking stance while executing a high right inner forearm side block.

19.Execute a left middle side piercing kick to D.

20.Lower the left foot to D, forming a left walking stance while executing a high punch with the right fore fist.

21.Execute a left middle front snap kick to D.

22.Lower the left foot to C, forming a right walking stance while executing a high right outer forearm block.

23.Execute a middle right side piercing kick to D.

24.Lower the right foot to C, forming a left walking stance while executing a middle reverse punch.

END:Bring the left foot back to ready stance.


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