Jun Yul Poomse

1. Right foot steps right to middle stance facing east (left tood at center point); left horizontal
elbow (left fist goes to right collarbone), right back elbow.
2. No step, tension square block to north.
3. Double step to left side to middle stance facing east (right foot at center point); right horizontal
elbow (right fist goes to left collar bone), left back elbow.
4. No step, tension square block to south.
5. Move left foot to right in low closed stance to east (boot feet center point), twin punch with
tension to 1 fist length from forehead.
—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
6. Jump 1 Sparring stance length east to right X-stance, right high punch to east.
7. No step, right downward elbow strike.
8. No step, circle double knifehand low block to east.
9. Left foot steps back to right front stance to east, left reverse high circle hooking block. And…
10. In a continuous motion, right high circle hooking block. And…
11. In a continuous motion, left high reverse vertical punch.
12. #2 left outer ax kick, land in left front stance to east. And…
13. In a continuous motion, left knifehand low block. And…
14. In a continuous motion, right high reverse circle knifehand block.
15. Left foot moves south 1 shoulder width; right foot moves to shield left knee in left one legged
stance to east (left foot at east point), left arc hand strike to east. And…
16. In a continuous motion, no step, high right upward elbow to left palm. And…
17. In a continuous motion, left knifehand high, right low open hand sweeping block to sides.
—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
18. Right foot steps south 1 sparring stance length, left foot steps behind to right X-stance; right
reinforced inner forearm block to south. And…
19. In a continuous motion, right high backfist to south. And…
20. In a continuous motion, right high horizontal hammerfist strike.
21. Left foot steps back to left back stance (left foot at east point), circle high double knifehand
block to south.
22. Left inner crescent kick to south. Kihap. Step down to right foot in closed stance to north.
23. In a continuous motion, right reverse hook kick to south. And…
24. In a continuous motion, right round kick to south.
25. Land in left back stance, right high block to south.
26. Right foot pulls back to left rear stance, right downward palm block to south.
27. Right foot steps south to middle stance (right foot at southeast point), right high punch to south.—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
28. Left foot steps west 90 degrees counterclockwise to left back stance to east; right inward palm
block, middle section.
29. No step, left high reverse punch to east.
30. No step, right high upset knifehand strike to east.
31. Right foot steps behind left to left X-stance, right downward knifehand strike to east. (strike
Collarbone level)
32. Right front kick to east. Hands stay in position.
33. Replace right foot back to left X-stance, hands stay in position; left foot steps west to middle
stance (left foot at southwest point), #1 right side kick to east.
34. Land in middle stance, circle low double outer forearm block to east.
35. Face west, shift left foot to right back stance, circle high double knifehand block.
36. #2 right round kick to west. And… moving counterclockwise…
37. In a continuous motion, right round kick to south. And…
38. In a continuous motion, right round kick to east.
—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
39. Land in right sparring stance to north (left foot at south point), circle downward double middle
knifehand strike to north. (left hand vertical at solar plexus, right fingertips even with shoulder)
40. Right foot pulls to left rear stance, slow left high “9” block. (right is low arm)
41. Jump 180 degrees counterclockwise to left sparring stance to north. Circle downward double
middle knifehand strike to north (right foot at south point). (right hand vertical at solar plexus,
left fingertips even with shoulder)
42. Left foot pulls to right rear stance, slow right high “9” block (left is low arm). Kihap.
43. *Right foot steps to form “T” at left toes, right jump reverse inner crescent kick to north. (gain
1 rear stance north) Land in middle stance.
44. Left reverse side kick to north. Land in left sparring stance to north.
45. #2 right side kick to north.
46. Land in right sparring stance to north ( right foot at north point), circle downward double
middle knifehand strike north. (left hand vertical at solar plexus, right fingers even with shoulder)
47. #2 left round kick to north. And… moving clockwise…
48. In a continuous motion, left round kick to east. And…
49. In a continuous motion, left round kick to south.
50. Left foot lands to right facing west in low closed stance ( both feet at north point), twin punch
with tension to 1 fist length in front of forehead.—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
51. Jump 1 sparring stance length west to left X-stance, left high punch to west.
52. No step, left downward elbow strike.
53. No step, circle double knifehand low block to west.
54. Right foot steps back to left front stance to west, right high circle hooking block. And…
55. In a continuous motion, no step, left high circle hooking block. And…
56. In a continuous motion, right reverse high vertical punch.
57. #2 right outer ax kick, land in right front stance to west. And…
58. In a continuous motion, right knifehand low block. And…
59. In a continuous motion, left high reverse circle knifehand block.
60. Right foot moves south 1 shoulder width; left foot moves to shield right knee in right one legged
stance to west 9right foot at northwest point), right arc hand strike to west. And…
61. No step, high left upward elbow to right palm. And…
62. In a continuous motion, right knifehand high, left low open hand sweeping block to sides.
—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
63. Left foot steps south 1 sparring distance length, right foot steps behind to left X-stance; left
reinforced inner forearm block to south. And…
64. In a continuous motion, left high backfist to south. And…
65. In a continuous motion, left high horizontal hammerfist strike.
66. Right foot steps back to right back stance (right foot at nortwest point), circle high double
knifehand block to south.
67. Right inner crescent kick to south. Step down to left foot in closed stance to north. And…
68. In a continuous motion, left reverse hook kick to south. And…
69. In a continuous motion, left round kick to south.
70. Land in right back stance, left high block to south
71. Left pulls to right rear stance, left downward palm block to south.
72. Left steps south to middle stance (left foot at southwest point), middle stance, left high punch to
—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
73. Right foot steps 90 degrees clockwise east to right back stance to west (left foot at west
point); left inward palm block, middle section.
74. No step, right high reverse punch to west.
75. No step, left high upset knifehand strike to west.76. Left foot steps behind right to right X-stance, left downward knifehand strike to west. (strike
collarbone level)
77. Left front kick to west. Hands stay in position.
78. Replace left foot back to right X-stance, hands stay in position; right foot steps east to middle
stance (right foot at center point), #1 left side kick to west.
79. Land in middle stance, circle low double outer forearm block to west.
80. Right foot shifts to left back stance to east; circle high double knifehand block to east.
81. Jump spin 180 degrees counterclockwise to execute left knifehand strike while in air to east.
82. Land in right back stance (left foot at center point, right high reverse punch on landing.
Bah-ro – Right foot steps to end position.
Shi-uh – At ease position


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