Kicks of Taekwon-Do


Taekwon-Do is widely recognized for its superiority in foot techniques, not only in their use as attacking tools, but also for the imaginative manner in which the feet are employed in blocking, dodging and the myriad of flying motions that offer the student the facility of speed, balance, flexibility, adroitness, coordination, and so on.

Attack Techniques (Gong Gyok Gi)

There are classified into piercing kicks, thrusting kicks, smashing kicks, pressing kicks, pushing kicks, straight kicks, sweeping kicks, consecutive kicks and flying kicks. The common principles of all these kicks are:

1. The maximum use of the knee spring of the stationary leg should always be employed.

2. To prepare oneself for the next motion and to prevent the left from being grabbed, the kicking foot must be withdrawn immediately after the kick with few exceptions.

3. Body weight should be shifted to the kicking leg at the point of contact, then shifted back to the stationary leg.

4. A strong stance should be maintained with the stationary foot.

5. Once the kick to be delivered is decided, the body must be adjusted toward the target.

6. Do not allow the stationary foot to pivot at he moment of impact.

7. Never raise the heel of the stationary foot at the moment of impact.

8. The knee of the stationary leg must be bent slightly to maintain the balance at the point of impact, except in the case of a pressing kick.

9. The range and point of focus must be calculated exeactly. An adjustment must be made for the opponent who is either to close or too far form the attacker.

10. With few exceptions, every movement must begin with a backward motion to gain momentum, increasing mass and velocity.

HIGH KICK (Nopunde Chagi)높은 킥

MIDDLE KICK (Kaunde Chagi)

LOW KICK (Najunde Chagi)

1) SIDE PIERCING KICK (Yopcha Jirugi)

2) BACK PIERCING KICK (Dwitcha Jirugi)

3) BACK PUSHING KICK (Dwitcha Milgi)


5) SIDE PUSHING KICK (Yopcha Milgi)

6) FRONT SNAP KICK (Apcha Busigi)

7) SIDE FRONT SNAP KICK (Yabap Cha Busigi)

8) BACK SNAP KICK (Dwitcha Busigi)

9) STAMPING KICK (Cha Bapgi)

10) TURNING KICK (Dollyo Chagi)

11) SIDE TURNING KICK (Yop Dollyo Chagi)

12) DOWNWARD KICK (Naeryo Chagi)

13) PICK-SHAPED KICK (Gok kaeng-i Chagi)

14) UPWARD KICK (Ollyo Chagi)

15) REVERSE TURNING KICK (Bandae Dollyo Chagi)

16) REVERSE HOOKING KICK (Bandae Dolly Goro Chagi)

17) TWISTING KICK (Bituro Chagi)

18) VERTICAL KICK (Sewo Chagi)

19) PRESSING KICK (Noollo Chagi)

20) SWEEPING KICK (Suroh Chagi)

21) GRASPING KICK (Butjapgo Chagi)

22) STRAIGHT KICK (Jigeau Chagi)
23) PUNCHING KICK (Jurumyo Chagi)

24) COUNTER KICK (Bada Chagi)

25) FOOT TACKLING (Bal Golgi)

26) SKIP KICK (Duro Gamyo Chagi)

27) TWO DIRECTION KICK (Sanbang Chagi)

28)CONSECUTIVE KICK (Yonsok Chagi)

29) FLYING KICK (Twumyo Chagi)

30) MID-AIR KICK (Twio Dolymyo Chagi)

31) OVERHEAD KICK (Twio Nomo Chagi)


33) FLYING DOUBLE KICK (Twimyo I-Jung Chagi)

34) FLYING TRIPLE KICK (Twimyo Samjung Chagi)

35) FLYING CONSECUTIVE KICK (Twimyo Yonsok Chagi)

36) FLYING COMBINATION KICK (Twimyo Honap Chagi)

37) RISING KICK (Cha Olligi)

38) CRESCENT KICK (Bandal Chagi)

39) WAVING KICK (Doro Chagi)

40) CHECKING KICK (Cha Momhugi)

41) HOOKING KICK (Golcho Chagi)

42) DODGING (Pihagi)
43) FOOT SHIFTING (Jajun Bal)

44) STEPPING (Omygo Didigi)
45) SLIDING (Mikulgi)
46) TURNING (Dolgi)
47) JUMPING (Twigi)

48) BODY DROPPING (Mom Nachugi)

49) FOOT LIFTING (Bal Dulgi)


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