Kido Kwan Membership Information

Membership with the Kido Kwan is not for everyone.  Membership is not a right, it’s a privilege.  We do not make money from our membership, membership fees cover the cost of items and services you as a member receive.    (If you are a USA member we highly recommend you obtain AAU membership as well, but this is not a requirement.  AAU membership is a yearly fee and membership is from September 1 to August 31 each year.  Please contact us or go directly to the AAU site to fill out our application, our AAU club number is  TF6TCX Kido Kwan.)  We recommend memberships to start September 1 and ends August 31 two years, however, we will honor your memberships and will prorate if you like.

Below is a list of items or services you will receive with your bi-annual Kido Kwan membership.

Kido Kwan Kup Patch
Kido Kwan Kup (Kyu) Patch for under black belts

1. Member patch for grade (keup) and degree (dan) holders.

2. Member card and certificate with unique member number

3. member email

  • For students:, e.g. joe1987@kidokwan.
    Kido Kwan Dan Patch
    Kido Kwan Dan Patch for black belts

    org (students who become instructors can keep their student email and will be forwarded to their new instruction email address).

  • For instructors:, e.g
  • 1st instance of duplication: Full, e.g

  • 2nd instance of duplication: Full, e.g

  • 3rd instance of duplication: Full, e.g

5. member web page

6. access to Kido Kwan Discussion Forum

7. Direct access to international, and master instructors (if a local one is not available).

8. Low cost (at cost) seminars, testings, tournaments and more.

9. Access to grade (keup) and degree (dan) certificates

10. Access to student, instructor, master instructor certification & certificates.

There are many more benefits awaiting you and your students, join to today learn more.


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