Evansville Taekwon-Do (Martial Arts) Academy

Evansville Taekwon-Do™ (Martial Arts) Academy was founded in 1968 by then Master Chung, Nak-young and when Master Chung moved the club was taken over by Master Kim, Dong-hoon and when Master Kim moved to Arizona it was taken over by several other black belts as it changed from Chung Do Kwan, some aligning with the ITF and others with the ATA. The Evansville Taekwon-Do Academy has been under the direction of the current instructors since 1994 when Master Charlie LaVanchy stopped teaching commercially but with the University of Southern Indiana and privately.

Currently, Classes are held at the Downtown YMCA in Evansville you can see the current schedule here.

To sign up you can start here and an instructor or YMCA member will reach out to you with more information.

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