Dodging in Martial Arts

Dodging (회피 hoeppi)

According to Choi, Hong-hi is described♦,   “This has a number of advantages. One of the purposes of dodging is to avoid colliding with an opponent who may have the added advantage of momentum if he is attacking. An effective dodge may cause the opponent to lose his balance and leave himself open for a decisive counter-attack. Dodging can be executed in all directions, though mainly to the rear. In all cases, it is very important to rent a natural, yet flexible posture, preferably with a guarding block. This technique is mostly performed with the feet, though the hands provide some protection.”





♦ Encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do Vol 3 pg 320-321 1st Edition 1983 – pg 314-315 in 3rd Edition 1993 – and pg 245 in the 4th Edition of Taekwon-Do 1995.


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