Self Awarness is Self Defense! Part 1

As of this writing, I have given over 300 FREE self-defense classes each averaging about 2 hours. I have done it for as few as 2 to 109 being the largest number of participants at a time. Out of all of those, I have had about a 70% return, in that a participant has called, text, emailed or personally told me that they have used and continue to use the principles I taught them. One that I gave over this past summer for two young ladies was 100% as both came back with them both using the AWARENESS aspects of my course as it allowed them to AVOID an actual physical confrontation as lets face it, that is always problematic with just two hours of training! I will be training for 44 years this April and even I would rather avoid a physical confrontation as there is always someone better, stronger or they just get the upper hand first!

Best Martial Art for Self Defense: Overview of Different ...The first young lady (16–20-year age range) was at a major retailer when she noticed she was being watched, and used what she learned in the awareness portion (which is about 60% of my class) to first Observe, Evade, Escape and Resist (OEER)™ the situation while bringing attention to the individual and putting distance between her and the potential would be attacker. Of course, I say “potential would be attacker” because of her awareness the worse thing that happened was she was scared, and the other person was too! If the “attacker” had no ill intent then the worst thing that happened to him was some embarrassment, but, since he fled, its clear his intent was to do some type of “harm.”

What did this young lady do right? She followed the quite simple plan of first being AWARE! Then OBSERVERD her surroundings and implemented what she had just learned! Since she was successful in this, this is a life lesson that will always be with her, and EVERYONE she tells about her experience!

This is what every instructor like me wants! And let’s face it, she will alwaysSelf Defense Tips (CONFRONTING DANGER) | give that most precious word of mouth referral too! For our students to use what was taught and be successful! Here is what she did. She first was aware she was in a place that people can and do “hide in plain sight” and quickly noticed that she was being watched.

She listened to that inner voice that EVERYONE has and then she made sure to Observe her watcher! By starting at the feet and moving up! Most other self-defense/awareness classes do it in the opposite direction, by head to toe. And while this can and does work (head to toe), it had been my unique experience that starting from the bottom to top you have a better chance of retention.

What is the “method” that I prefer? Simple. You Observe what your potential assailant is wearing on their feet first. What type of footwear, what color socks? And move up! Why pay attention here first? Because if your attacker is proficient in their craft (sadly they often are), they will have layers of clothes.  And so if they attack you, rather it be physical or more of a  “snatch and grab” they can and often times do shed their top layers.

Rarely if ever do they have extra footwear! Of course pants/shorts are less likely to be removed then the top is. So, by paying attention to the bottom half first you have a better chance of giving a POSITIVE INDENTIFICATION later!

10 Self Defense Tips for Women - The Prepper JournalOf course, your observation shouldn’t stop there, you should work your way up to include other features such as body type, skin color (dark black, black, brown, tan, light tan, pale white etc.) don’t let todays “woke culture” hinder your identification of the person that has attacked you and will attack others! Giving a description is not “racial profiling!” Of course facial features, eye color, hair color, nose shape, eye shape is just as important. But no ONE feature will do it, so its why in my professional opinion that going from bottom to top will be more beneficial!

What did the other young lady do? She was asked to demonstrate a simple technique that most teach, but that will need to wait for Part 2? 😊

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