1st Taekwon-Do Book 1959

April 11, 1955 was the birth date of Taekwon-Do. So now on April 11, 2015 we are happy to present the first ever book on Taekwon-Do. Of course this book was written by General Choi Hong-Hi, the principle founder of Taekwon-Do as listed by the Encyclopedia Britannica. The book was published in October of 1959. This was 1 month after General Choi formed the Korea Taekwon-Do Association on September 3, 1959, serving as the first President. The book was written using Korean Hangul and Chinese HanJa, which was common at the time. It contains the first 5 Korean Taekwon-Do Patterns, then called Hyungs; Hwa-Rang, Chung-Mu, Ul-Ji, U-Nam and Sam-Il.

This book is further undeniable evidence that Taekwon-Do is not 2,000 years old and that without General Choi Hong-Hi, there would be no Taekwon-Do!
Enjoy another piece of history.





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