Formal Election of the President of the International Taekwon-Do Federation September 22, 2002

A special congress of the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) was held on September 22, 2002. Mr. Chang Ung, a member of the International Olympic Committee, was elected as President of the ITF by the leaders and delegates of 46 countries. These delegates chose to fulfill General Choi’s last wishes, in which he appointed Mr. Chang Ung as his successor. The Consultative Council of the ITF formally confirmed Mr. Chang Ung’s Presidency of the ITF.

On September 16, 2002, Mr. Chang Ung watched a performance of the South Korean Taekwondo delegation which had been invited to Pyongyang. The President of the South Korean Taekwondo Association had invited the President of the ITF, Mr. Chang Ung to visit South Korea where he attended the Asian Games held in Busan. Mr. Chang Ung remarked that it would be possible to unify Taekwon-Do.


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