International Taekwon-Do Federation Board of Directors Meeting

The ITF President, Mr. Chang Ung, met with the ITF Senior Vice President, Mr. Russell MacLellan, on November 15, 2002, the evening before the meeting. Mr. MacLellan expressed that for the moment he would like to step back and give Mr. Chang Ung a free hand to chair the Board of Directors’ meeting. Mr. Chang Ung still invited Mr. MacLellan to attend the Board of Directors meeting at the ITF Headquarters, to which he declined.

At the meeting, the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee, Master Georgios Stylianides proposed the dismissal of Master Tom MacCallum, Wim Bos, Paul Weiler, Sheena Sutherland, and Mr. Coos vd Heuvel. The ITF Board of Directors accepted the Chairman’s proposal resulting in the expulsion of the aforementioned people. The Consultative Council of the ITF held a meeting directly following the Board of Directors meeting at the Berger Hotel. The Consultative Council agreed with the decision taken by the Board of Directors and announced their full support of the decision.

Upon hearing of the dismissal of Master Tom MacCallum from his position as Secretary General, Mr. Russell MacLellan asked to meet with Mr. Chang Ung. Mr. Russell MacLellan tried to negotiate monetary compensation for Master MacCallum. Mr. Chang Ung affirmed that he would discuss the proposal with the Board of Directors and the Consultative Council of the ITF.

The members of the Board of Directors are very impressed with Mr. Chang Ung. They consider him to be a leader with many talents and great charisma. The Board members shared the feeling that they wanted to be faithful to General Choi and carry out his Last Words. They feel this is the morality of a martial artist. They appreciate General Choi’s vision in choosing a talented successor for the ITF family before his departure.


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