The ITF President, Mr. Chang Ung visited USA

The ITF President, Mr. Chang Ung visited USA in order to attend theGAISF Congress, and he was warmly welcomed by many USA Taekwon-Do practitioners. On November 22nd 2002 There was a historical meeting between the ITF and WTF Presidents, Mr. Chang Ung and Dr. Un Yong Kim. This historical meet was held at the Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, USA. Also present at the meeting were Grand Master Hwang Kwang Sung, the acting ITF Secretary General, Master Phap Lu, the ITF Deputy Secretary General Planning, Master Ri Yong Sok, the ITF Chairman of Technical Committee, Mr. Ri Yong Son, the Deputy Secretary General Administration and Mr. Lee Kum Hong, the WTF Secretary General.

This historical meeting was very friendly and positive. The ITF President, Mr. Chang Ung had a frank discussion with WTF President Dr. Un Yong Kim. They both talked positively about the mutual goals of the two Federations and the participation of ITF in the Olympic Games as well as the recognition of INTERNATIONAL MARTIAL ART GAMES COMMITTEE (IMGC) from the GENERAL ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL SPORTS FEDERATIONS (GAISF).

As far as the TaeKwon-Do matter is concerned, they both principally agreed that the two federations should be work toward the mutual goals as soon as possible. Both sides should seek a possible way to have ITF take part in the Olympic Games. For this process a “Coordination Committee” would be set up. Talks between the two Federations would begin in February 2003.

The Committee will consist of Co-Chairmen and members. They will deal with external relationship, technical issues, mutual goals of the two TaeKwon-Dos and participation of Olympic Games. The detailed matters including the synergy of the two TKDs and the technical procedure of ITF participating in the Olympic Games will be discussed at the meetings of the “Coordination Committee”.

As for the IMGC the GAISF Council announced and appointed a new Martial Arts Commission Committee. GAISF President Dr. Un Yong Kim recommended Mr. Chang Ung, the President of IMGC, as the Chairman of this committee. The appointment will be announced next January 2003.

At the next GAISF Congress the Council will announce the membership’s acceptance of the IMGC. Furthermore, a delegation of IMGC including six members they are: Mr. Chang Ung, the IMGC President, Mr. Mac Harb, the IMGC Chairman and the Member of Canadian Member of Parliament, Master Ri Yong Sok, the member of IMGC, Master Phap Lu, the IMGC Deputy Secretary General, Mr. Ri Yong Son, the IMGC President Assistant, and Mr. Choe Myong Chol, an IMGC Member, will be invited again by GAISF to attend the next GAISF Congress which will be held in Spain.

The news from the International Taekwon-Do Federation
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