Book Set

Book Set (4th Kyu Green Belt)
Book Set also known as Panther Set was created by James Wing Woo 1960 to 1961

Included as a Form as verses a Kenpo “Set” because of it’s length and the time of it’s entry into the system, it was performed and executed as a “Kata” or “Form.”

This set is not normally taught in the American Kenpo Karate curriculum. It was however, the set taught to advanced students where American Kenpoists normally now learn Long Form 4. In the Chinese Kenpo system I originally received my Black Belt in, it was required for 2nd Brown. It is still taught in the Tracy Kenpo system, and does have some merit to learning. On the flip side, I have never seen a good description of this set and know why; it is difficult to describe in mere words. I have tried here with the help from the forum visitor by the name of Lamont. If anyone has any suggestions, please email the webmaster.

1. Bow in with feet together.
2. Execute a left inverted spearhand to eye; turn hand over and circle upward above head.
3. Circle hand to eye level and turn hand over so the palm faces the ground.
4. Circle downward and back to eye level.
5. Execute a right inverted spearhand to eye; turn hand over and circle above head.
6. Circle hand to eye level and turn hand over so the palm faces the ground.
7. Circle downward and back to eye level.
8. Execute a left reverse punch.
9. Execute a right reverse punch
10. Guage your horsestance. [Three-step out into horse stance (heels out, toes out, pivot on ball of foot to make feet parallel) swing arm (sheathing motion) into a chambered position.]

11. Cowl right; pivot left foot into a L-stance (facing West)
12. Execute a left outward block, right reverse punch.
13. Step through with right foot into a L-stance (facing West)
14. Cowl left; execute a right outward block, left reverse punch.
15. Step through with left foot into a horse stance (facing West)
16. Cowl right; execute a left outward block, right reverse punch.
17. Cowl left; pivot right foot into a L-stance (facing East)
18. Execute a right outward block, left reverse punch.
19. Step-through with left foot into a L-stance (facing East)
20. Cowl right; execute a left outward block, right reverse punch.
21. Step through with right foot into a horse stance (facing West)
22. Cowl left; execute a right outward block, left reverse punch

23. Turn body to horse stance (facing North); execute a right reverse punch.
24. Step up into a bow stance with left foot; execute a left vertical punch.
25. Step up into a horse stance with right foot; execute a right reverse punch.
26. Step up into a bow stance with left foot; execute a left vertical punch.
27. Step up into a horse stance with right foot; execute a right reverse punch.
28. Step back with right foot into a bow stance; execute a left vertical punch.
29. Step back with left foot into a horse stance; execute a right reverse punch.
30. Step back with right foot into a bow stance; execute a left vertical punch.
31. Step back with left foot into a horse stance; execute a right reverse punch.

32. Step up with right foot into horse stance (facing West)
33. Circle arms and bring together in front of own groin, left hand open, right hand fist.
34. Step up with left foot into horse stance (facing North)
35. Execute a right palm/dart to the eye, and back to shoulder.
36. Step back with left foot into horse stance (facing West)
37. Circle arms and bring together in front of own groin, left hand open, right hand fist.
38. Step back with right foot into a horse stance (facing North)
39. Execute a right palm/dart to the eye, and back to shoulder.

40. Step forward with your left foot into a left forward bow as you execute a left upward block and right vertical fist/uppercut.
41. Step forward with your right foot into a right forward bow as you execute a right upward block and left vertical fist/uppercut.
42. Step forward with your left foot into a left forward bow as you execute a left upward block and right vertical fist/uppercut.
43. Step back with your left foot into a right forward bow as you execute a left downward wrist strike/block.
44. Step back with your right foot into a left forward bow as you execute a right downward wrist strike/block.
45. Step back with your left foot into a right forward bow as you execute a left downward wrist strike/block.

46. Shift into a soft bow (facing West) as you execute a left hammerfist to the rear (groin shot)
47. Shift into a soft bow (facing East) as you execute a right hammerfist to the rear (groin shot)
48. Left cowl
49. Step forward with left into a horse stance (facing East)
50. Execute a right backfist, and a left hook to an attacker’s face.
51. Right cowl
52. Execute a left tigerclaw, and a right tigerclaw to an attacker’s eyes.
53. Swing right leg in front of left into a crosstep as you swing arms into a “tiger.”

54. Untwist from cross stance by spinning to your left and end in a horse stance (facing NW)
55. Execute a left crane block.

56. Execute a right reverse punch; left reverse punch.
57. Step back with left into a horse stance (facing North)
58. Execute a right reverse punch; left reverse punch; right reverse punch.

59. Step left foot back and stand up with feet together.
60. Countergrab with right hand (attacker has grabbed your right wrist)
61. Execute a left reverse punch to their face, right front kick to the groin. Land in a right bow stance.
62. Step through with your left foot into a left forward bow as you execute a right reverse punch to the solar-plexus.


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