Long Form #2

Long Form 2 5th Kyu Blue Belt

Theme: Sophisticated Basics

Start from a meditating horse stance facing 12 :00

1. Step with your right foot forward into a right neutral bow as you execute a right inward block and left back elbow strike. Instantly snap that inward block into an outward downward diagonal handsword to 12 o’clock, as you shift into a forward bow, execute a left horizontal four finger thrust to the eyes. (Your right hand should be cocked at your hip palm open.) As you rotate back into a right neutral bow, execute a mid-range right vertical hand spear to the solar plexus.

2. Step with your left foot forward into a left neutral bow as you execute a left inward block and right back elbow strike. Both hands open as you instantly snap that inward block into a left outward downward diagonal handsword to 12 o’clock, as you rotate into a forward bow execute a right four finger horizontal thrust to the eyes. (Your left hand should be cocked at your hip, palm open.) As you shift into a right neutral bow, execute a mid-range left vertical hand spear to the solar plexus.

3. Pull your left foot back to your right as you face 12 o’clock in a cat stance. Your hands cocked at your right hip, left on top, right on bottom, palms facing each other (cup and saucer.)

4. Step with your your left foot to 9 o’clock into a left foprward bow as you execute a left outward block and a right reverse punch. Shift back into a left neutral bow as you execute a left jab. Snap it back as you execute a right reverse punch without going into a bow. Simultaneously execute another left uppercut jab and a left knife-edge kick to the knee, landing in a left neutral bow.

5. Pull your right foot your left so you are in a cat stance facing 12 o’clock. (Your hands should be at your left hip, right on top, palms facing each other.)

6. Step your right foot to 3 o’clock into a right forward bow as you execute a right outward block and a left reverse punch. Shift back into a neutral bow as you execute a right jab. Snap it back as you execute a left reverse punch. Simultaineously execute another right jab and right knife-edge kick to the knee, landing in a right neutral bow.

7. Pull your left foot to your right into a cat stance facing 9 o’clock. (Your hands should be cocked at your right hip, left on top, right palm up.)

8. Step your left foot to 5 o’clock into a forward bow stance facing 6 o’clock as you execute a universal block (with the right hand as the inward block.)

9. Simultaneously execute a left upward block and a right outward hammerfist stike to the groin in front of you. As you rotate into a neutral bow, turn your upward block into a left inward overhead claw as you bring your right arm up underneath in a horizontal armbrace, palm down. Execute a right backfist, moving your left hand under as the horizontal armbrace. Execute a left backfist as you move your right arm back into the bracing position. Follow that with another right backfist as you move your left arm back into the bracing position.

10. Pull your right foot to your left into a catstance facing 9 o’clock. (Your hands should be cocked at your left hip, right on top, left palm up.)

11. Step your right foot to 12 o’clock into a horsestance facing 9 o’clock as you execute a universal block (with the left hand as the inward block.)

12. Step back with your right foot so you are now standing in a right neutral bow facing 12 o’clock as you simultaneously execute a right upward block and a left hammerfist to the groin in front of you. Turn your upward block into an overhead claw as you bring your left arm up as a horizontal arm brace under your right elbow, palm down. Execute a left backfist as you move your right arm into the bracing position. Execute a right backfist as you move your left arm into the bracing position. Follow that with a left backfist as you move your right arm into the bracing position.

13. Pull your left foot to your right into a catstance facing 6 o’clock. (Your hands should be cocked at your right hip, left on top, right plam up.)

14. Step your left foot to 4:30 in a left neutral bow as you execute a left downward block. Execute a left inward overhead looping back knuckle strike to the back of your attacker’s head. Follow that motion as you chamber your looping backfist and execute a right reverse punch. Instantly follow that with a right front thrust kick and left jab.

15. Land forward in a right neutral bow as you execute a mid-range right vertical thrust punch, buckling the inside of the opponent’s right leg.

16. Pull your right foot to you rleft into a catstance facing 6:00. (Your hands should be cocked at your left hip, right on top, left palm up.)

17. Step your right foot to 7:30 into a right neutral bow as you execute a right downward block. Execute a right inward overhead looping back knuckle strike to the back of your opponent’s head. Follow that motion and as you chamber your right back knuckle strike, execute a left reverse punch as you go into a right forward bow. Instantly follow that with a left front thrust kick and a right jab.

18. Land forward in a left neutral bow as you execute a mid-range left vertical thrust punch, buckling the inside of the opponent’s left leg..

19. Step into a left front crossover to 1:30 as you execute a right uppercut punch to 1:30 with a left hanging fist foreknuckle strike to the bridge of the opponent’s nose (These should be parallel to one another, the left hand above the head and parallel to the floor, the right one straight off the hip into your attacker’s midsection.) Step with your right foot out into a right neutral bow as you execute a right uppercut followed immediately with an upward block (striking under the opponent’s chin.) Pulling the block down, execute a left one-finger eye poke. Instantly follow with a right one-finger eye poke. Instantly follow that with a left one-finger eye poke. (These least three strikes should be rolling one off the other.)

20. Step your right foot into a right front crossover to 10:30 as you execute a left uppercut punch to 10:30 with a right hanging fist foreknuckle strike to the bridge of the opponent’s nose (These should be parallel to one another, the right hand above the head and parallel to the floor, the left coming straight off the hip and into your attacker’s mid-section.) Step your left foot to 10:30 into a left neutral bow as you execute a left upercut followed immediately with an upward block (striking under the opponent’s chin.) Execute a right one-finger eye poke. Instantly follow that by executing a left one-finger eye poke. Follow that with another right one-finger eye poke. (These last three strikes should be rolling off the other.)

21. Execute a palm up left inward downward block as you step into a rear crossover towards 4:30. Unwind into a right neutral bow facing 10:30 as you execute a right vertical punch.

22. Execute a palm up right inward downward block as you step into a rear crossover towards 4:30. Unwind into a left neutral bow facing 1:30 as you execute a left vertical punch.

23. Step your right foot back to 7:30 into a left neutral bow as you execute a left inward downward block flowing without pause, into a left outward block. Execute a left uppercut strike.

24. Step your left foot back to 7:30 into a right neutral bow as you execute a right inward downward block flowing without pause, into a right outward block. Execute a right uppercut strike.

25. Execute a left palm heel strike to your attacker’s groin. Step your left foot to 1:30 into a left neutral bow as you rip the claw back; execute a left outward elbow strike. Follow that by executing a left outward overhead claw.

26. Execute a right palm heel strike to your attacker’s groin. Step your right foot to 1:30 into a right neutral bow execute a right outward elbow strike. Follow that by executing a right outward overhead claw.

27. Execute a left palm heel strike to your attacker’s groin. Step your left foot to 1:30 into a left neutral bow execute a left outward elbow strike. Follow that by executing a left outward overhead claw.

28. Turn your attention to an attacker at 4:30. Execute a right thrust punch. Follow that by executing a left inward block and move your left foot into a rear crossover towards 7:30. Unwind so you are in a horsestance facing 10:30 as you execute an inward overhead elbow (without the stance change) and have it stop against your left hand which should be horizontal against your body, palm up. (Essentially, this is an elbow sandwich.)

29. Execute a right reverse punch to 10:30. Step your right foot into a rear crossover to 7:30. As you unwind into a horsestance facing 4:30, execute a left inward overhead elbow strike (without the stance change). Stop when your elbow makes contact with your right arm, which should be horizontal against your body, palm up. (Essentially this is an elbow sandwich.)

30. Execute a left reverse punch towards 4:30. Step into a rear crossover towards 9:00. Unwind as you execute a right inward elbow and a left palm heel strike. (An elbow sandwich.) Execute two rakes to your attacker’s eyes, with both hands raking out and around back to a chamber. Execute a left thrust punch. With your left hand, grab your attacker’s hair and pull them into a right upward elbow.

31. Go to a meditating horsestance.

Repeat on opposite side:



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