Long Form 3

Long Form 3 (4th Kyu Green Belt)

Often referred to as another “Grab Attacks” form, Long 3 builds on Short 3 and increase the number and sophistication of self defense techniques grabs, chokes, and locks.

This is the second technique form we are taught. It contains additional isolations and the techniques are run on both left and right sides.


Set 1: Destructive Twins (Two-Hand Lapel Grab)

1. An attacker from 12 o’clock grabs your lapels with both hands.

2. Step your right foot forward into a right neutral bow as you execute a ‘U’ punch towards 12 o’clock. [Your left hand should be striking at your attacker’s face and your right hand striking at their groin.]

3. Shift your right foot towards 1 o’clock into a right forward bow as you execute a left outward block and chamber your right hand.

4. Execute a left hand spear at your attacker’s eyes.

5. With that left hand, grab them and pull them into a right reverse punch as you shift into a horsestance facing 10:30.

6. Execute a right push-down block as you pull back slightly; execute a right reverse punch again to the attacker’s solar plexus.

7. Execute a right backfist to your attacker’s face.

8. Step back into a horsestance.

Set 2: Destructive Twins (Two-Hand Lapel Grab)

1. An attacker from 12 o’clock grabs your lapels with both hands.

2. Step your left foot forward into a left neutral bow as you execute a ‘U’ punch towards 12 o’clock. [Your right hand should be striking at your attacker’s face and your left hand striking at their groin.]

3. Shift your left foot towards 1 o’clock into a left forward bow as you execute a right outward block and chamber your left hand.

4. Execute a right hand spear at your attacker’s eyes.

5. With that right hand, grab them and pull them into a left reverse punch as you shift into a horsestance facing 10:30.

6. Execute a left push-down block as you pull back slightly; execute a left reverse punch again to the attacker’s solar plexus.

7. Execute a left backfist to your attacker’s face.

8. Step back into a horsestance as you execute two thumb strikes poking to your attacker’s eyes.


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