Long Form 5


Long 5 is known, alternately, as the Takedown form, the point-of-origin form, the parallel line form, or the hand-accent form. Throughout the form, notice the use of the pattern of claw, back-knuckle, pushdown, using alternating hands.
Do the full Kenpo salutation, up to the training horse with meditating hands.

Set 1: Destructive Fans (Right step-thru punch from the left side)

a. Step back with the left foot slightly to 6:00 to invert the horse stance with a right parry. The left hand parries as the right hand circles clockwise into a hammerfist to his upper chest. The left hand grabs his upper arm.
b. The left foot sweeps to 2:30 with a left front crossover as the right hand circles counter-clockwise into a descending palm/claw to the face, which moves on to the left hip in a cup & saucer. This is the first use of the hand pattern mentioned above.
c. Pivot 180 degrees with a right elbow/back-knuckle to the kidney, as your right foot sweeps back to 3:00 in a forward bow. Finish with a right punch (on top of your left wrist). This action shows the low line track over the wrist.

Set 2: Destructive Fans (Left step thru punch from the right side)

a. Step up with the right foot slightly to 6:00 to invert the horse with a left parry. The right hand parries as the left hand circles counter-clockwise into a hammerfist to his upper chest. The right hand grabs his upper arm.
b. The right foot sweeps to 9:30 with a right front crossover as the left hand circles clockwise into a descending palm/claw to the face, which moves on to the right hip in a cup & saucer.
c. Pivot 180 degrees with a left elbow/back-knuckle to the kidney, as your left foot sweeps back to 9:00 in a forward bow. Finish with a left punch (on top of your right wrist).

Set 3: Dance Of Death (Right kick-punch combination)

a. Pull your right foot into a cat with a left downward block, and then step right to 6:00 in a fighting stance with a left inward block and a right ridge hand to the groin.
b. As you step right to 12:00 do a right elbow slam to his midsection as your left hand grabs his right knee. c.Do a right bk to his left thigh, a right bk to his right thigh, and a right flick to his groin. Grab his right foot with your right hand, and flip him onto his stomach.
d. Step left to 12:00 with a left heel stomp to his spine, and step with the right to 4:30 onto his right side, scraping the ribs with the left heel as it lands to 12:00.
e. Pivot 180 degrees, and do a right chop to the back of the neck with a right knee to the ribcage.
f. Step right to 12:00 with a right heel stomp to his upper spine, and step with the left to 10:30 onto his left side.
g. Finish with a right side thrust to his temple. Do a right front crossover to 10:30.

Set 4: Dance of Death (Left kick-punch combination)
a. Pivot 180 degrees into a cat with a left downward block, and then step left to 12:00 with a right inward block and a left ridge hand to the groin.
b. As you step left to 6:00 do a left elbow slam to his midsection as your right hand grabs his left knee.
c. Do a left bk to his right thigh, a left bk to his left thigh, and a left flick to his groin. Grab his left foot with your left hand, and flip him onto his stomach.
d. Step right to 6:00 with a right heel stomp to his spine, and step with the left to 1:30 onto his right side, scraping the ribs with the right heel as it lands.
e. Pivot 180 degrees, and do a left chop to the back of the neck with a left knee to the ribcage.
f. Step left to 6:00 with a left heel stomp to his upper spine, and step with the right to 7:30 onto his right side.
g. Finish with a left side thrust to his temple. Do a left front crossover to 7:30.

Set 5: Leap Of Death (Rright step-thru punch)

a. Unwind, and step right to 3:00, with double outward chopping blocks.
b. Countergrab with the right hand, and rake his ribs with a left back-knuckle (or a claw), followed by a left forearm (or a back-knuckle) to his stomach.
c. Roll your left forearm onto his upper arm as you pivot your torso to 3:00, throwing him to the ground. Notice the use of the pattern in b.
d. Leap onto his back, facing 3:00, and strike both heels against his ribcage.
e. Do a double palm heel to the back of the neck. Grab under his chin with both hands, pull the head back, twist the neck to the right without twisting your hips, and chop the bridge of his nose with your right hand.
f. As you kneel on him with your left knee, do a left palm heel to the right side of the neck.
g. Hop to his right, and do a right downward wheel kick to his temple. Do a right front crossover to 9:00.

Set 6: Leap of Death (Left step-thru punch)

a. Step left to 9:00, with double outward chopping blocks.
b. Countergrab with the left hand, and rake his ribs with a right back-knuckle (or a claw), followed by a right forearm (or a back-knuckle) to his stomach.
c. Roll your right forearm onto his upper arm as you pivot your torso to 9:00, throwing him to the ground. Notice the use of the pattern in b and c here.
d. Leap onto his back, facing 9:00, and strike both heels against his ribcage.
e. Do a double palm heel to the back of the neck. Grab under his chin with both hands, pull the head back, twist the neck to the left without twisting your hips, and chop the bridge of his nose with your left hand.
f. As you kneel on him with your right knee, do a right chop to the left side of the neck.
g. Hop to his left, and do a left downward wheel kick to his temple.
h. Do a left front crossover to 3:00, a right downward ball kick to 3:00 (heel to 3:00, toes to 9:00), a left rear crossover to 3:00, and pivot 180 degrees into a bow facing 3:00.

Set 7: Backbreaker (Right step-thru punch from 4:30)

a. Step right to 4:30 into fighting stance with a left inward parry followed by a right outward parry to the elbow.
b. Step left to 4:30 as the right hand grabs the right shoulder and the left grabs the left shoulder.
c. Step back right to 4:30 into fighting stance as both hands pull his shoulders down into a right knee to the lower spine.
d. As the right foot plants back to 4:30, pull him further down into a left knee strike to the upper spine, and support him on the left knee.
e. The right hand grabs under the chin as you place your left hand on the right side of the head and pull the chin quickly towards you to break the neck.
f. Do a right chop to the bridge of the nose.
g. Do a double hammerfist to the collar bones.
h. Step left to 4:30 in a wide kneel with double tiger claws to the face (from chin to eyes). Notice that step g and h here constitute the use of the pattern with both hands.
i. Do a right front crossover to 9:00, a left downward ball kick to 9:00 (heel to 9:00, toes to 3:00), a right rear crossover to 9:00, and pivot 180 degrees into a bow facing 9:00.

Set 8: Backbreaker (Left step-thru punch from 7:30)

a. Step left to 7:30 into fighting stance with a right inward parry followed by a left outward parry to the elbow.
b. Step right to 7:30 as the left hand grabs the left shoulder and the right grabs the right shoulder.
c. Step back left to 7:30 into fighting stance as both hands pull his shoulders down into a left knee to the lower spine.
d. As the left foot plants back to 7:30, pull him further down into a right knee strike to the upper spine, and support him on the right knee.
e. The left hand grabs under the chin as you place your right hand on the left side of the head and pull the chin quickly towards you to break the neck.
f. Do a left chop to the bridge of the nose.
g. Do a double hammerfist to the collar bones.
h. Step right to 9:00 in a wide kneel with double tiger claws to the face (from chin to eyes). Notice that step g and h here constitute the use of the pattern with both hands.

Set 9: Hopping Crane (Man on ground on all fours, or man standing as you approach from behind)

a. Do a left front crossover to 4:30 (with a cup & saucer on the left hip), step right to 12:00, hop on the right foot to 12:00, and step left to 10:30.
b. As the right foot sweeps to 10:30, swing your hands to 4:30 as a counter-balance, and do a right side thrust to 4:30.

Set 10: Hopping Crane (Man on ground on all fours, or man standing as you approach from behind)

a. Do a right front crossover to 10:30 (with a cup & saucer on the right hip), step left to 12:00, hop on the left foot to 12:00, and step right to 1:30.
b. As the left foot sweeps to 1:30, swing your hands to 7:30 as a counter-balance, and do a left side thrust to 7:30.
c. Do a left front crossover to 1:30, unwind clockwise to face 6:00 in a cat with a universal block (left arm high).

Set 11: Sleeper (Right step-thru punch. This technique uses a high-zone takedown)

a. Step left to 6:00 with a left parry and a right ridge hand to the throat.
b. The right foot c-steps behind him to 6:00 as your left grabs your right hand and chokes.
c. Do a left rear crossover to 6:00, throwing him, with a left claw, a right back-knuckle to the face, and a left pushdown. Again, notice the use of the hand pattern.
d. Step back right to 6:00.

Set 12: Sleeper (Left step-thru punch. This technique uses a high-zone takedown)

a. Pull into a cat with a universal block (right arm high).
b. Step right to 12:00 with a right parry and a left ridge hand to the throat.
c. The left foot c-steps behind him as your right grabs your left hand and chokes.
d. Do a right rear crossover to 12:00, throwing him, with a right claw, a left back-knuckle to the face, and a right pushdown. Notice the hand pattern.

Set 13: Brushing The Storm (Right overhead club. This technique uses a low-zone takedown. The hands and feet do simultaneous figure-8s here.)

a. Step left to 3:00 into a horse with a left parry and L-step right to 6:00 in a right neutral bow with a right heel palm to the jaw.
b. The left foot steps to 6:00 into a left clsoe kneel as your right arm drops into an elbow to the chest, that continues down to claw the groin.
c .Do a right rear crossover to 6:00, pivot to face 12:00.
d. Shift the left foot back into a cat, do a left snap kick to 12:00, and plant the left foot back to 6:00.

Set 14: Brushing The Storm (Left overhead club. This technique uses a low-zone takedown. The hands and feet do simultaneous figure-8s here.)

a. Step right to 3:00 into a horse with a right parry and L-step left to 12:00 in a left neutral bow with a left palm heel to the jaw.
b. The right foot steps to 12:00 into a right close kneel as your left arm drops into an elbow to the chest, that continues down to claw the groin.
c. Do a left rear crossover to 12:00, pivot to face 6:00.
d. Shift the right foot back into a cat, and do a right snap kick to 6:00. Do a right rear crossover to 3:00, and pivot to 9:00.

Set 15: Falling Falcon (Right lapel grab. This technique uses a mid-zone takedown.)

a. Step right to 9:00 with a right palm heel.
b. Pivot to face 3:00, dropping him on his back. The right hand snakes around his wrist, and then the left heel palm strikes to 7:30 (his elbow) as the body pivots to 7:30.
c. Do a left side thrust to 3:00 (to his neck), and plant the left back to 3:00.
d. The left hand snakes around his wrist, and then the right palm heel strikes to 4:30 (his elbow) as the body pivots to 4:30.
e. Do a right ball kick to his elbow, a right heel scrape to his kidney, and then a right stomp to his solar plexus as the right foot does a front crossover to 3:00. Unwind slightly to face 3:00.

Set 16: Falling Falcon (Left lapel grab. This technique uses a mid-zone takedown.)

a. Step left to 3:00 with a right palm heel.
b. Pivot to face 9:00, dropping him on his back. The left hand snakes around his wrist, and then the right heel palm strikes to 4:30 (his elbow) as the body pivots to 4:30.
c. Do a right side thrust to 9:00 (to his neck), and plant back to 9:00.
d. The right hand snakes around his wrist, and then the left palm heel strikes to 7:30 (his elbow) as the body pivots to 7:30.
e. Do a left ball kick to his elbow, a left heel scrape to his kidney, and then a left stomp to his solar plexus as the left foot does a front crossover to 9:00.

Set 17: Circling The Horizon (Right step-thru punch)

a. Unwind slightly to face 12:00, in a cat as you do a right overhead back-knuckle and a left downward claw to 12:00.
b. The right foot steps to 12:00 with a right side fist to the temple. Draw it back and do a right horizontal elbow to his ribs.
c. As your left knee touches the floor, do a right bk to the back of his knee. Sweep your right foot to 4:30, do a right palm thrust to his chest.
d. Do a right heel stomp to his groin, and then drag the right leg back. Stand up in a twist stance. The action of steps c and d here is a counter-balance between the hands and the feet.

Set 18: Circling The Horizon (Left step-thru punch)

a. Pivot to face 6:00, as your left foot comes back into a cat, and do a left overhead back-knuckle and a right downward claw to 6:00.
b. The left foot steps to 6:00 with a left side fist to the temple. Draw it back and do a left elbow.
c. As your right knee touches the floor, do a left bk to the back of his knee. Sweep your left foot to 10:30, do a left palm thrust to his chest.
d. Do a left heel stomp to his groin, and then drag the left leg back. Stand up in a twist stance. Pivot to face 12:00, with feet together and with a cup & saucer on the left hip.

Set 19: Leaping Crane (Right step-thru punch)

a. Hop to 9:00 into a left crane with a left inward block, a right snap kick to 1:30, and do a right back-knuckle to the kidney as you plant to 1:30.
b. Do a right elbow, a right back-knuckle. The right hand pulls the neck up to the right, and then chops the neck.
c. Do a right scoop kick with a left snap kick as the hands form a cup & saucer on the left hip. Land the left foot in a front crossover to 3:00. The hands serve as a counter balance to the feet.

Set 20: Leaping Crane (Left step-thru punch)

a. Hop to 3:00 into a right crane with a right inward block, a left snap kick to 10:30, and do a left back-knuckle to the kidney as you plant to 10:30.
b. Do a left elbow, a left back-knuckle. The left hand pulls the neck up to the left, and then chops the neck.
c. Do a left scoop kick with a right snap kick as the hands form a cup & saucer on the right hip. Land the right foot in a front crossover to 9:00. The hands serve as a counter balance to the feet.

Hop on the left to 7:30, bring the right foot up into a crane, and plant the right foot to 3:00 in a horse stance.



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