Mass Attack (w/video)

Mass Attack (1st Kyu Brown Belt)

A mass Attack is a form taught in Tracy’s system of Kenpo and Chinese Kenpo, and it features two versions. The primary version is the most well-known, but it does flow into the B version follows if you choose to do so. Many of the techniques in Mass Attack will also be recognized as techniques in American Kenpo, with different names and some different motions.


For tournament: Full Salutation.

1. Otherwise start from an attention stance.

2. Chamber your hands at your side.

3. Step your right foot to 3 o’clock using a clockwise circle to get it there. (You are now in a narrow horse

4. Step your left foot to 9 o’clock using a counterclockwise circle to get it there. (You are now in a deep horse
stance.) Note: The sweeping steps’ purpose is to get your loose pant legs out of the way, or how the
student wearing hakama pants would.

5. Step your right foot back to your left executing claws to 12 o’clock and a claw to each side. Return to an
attention stance.

Set I: Flowing Hands (Flank Shoulder Grabs) [similar to Falcons of Force]

1. Step your right foot to 2 o’clock as you execute a right outward-hand sword to your attacker’s throat as your left-hand checks at your face.

2. Step your right foot to 10:30 as you execute a right inward rake across your attacker’s eyes. Follow this with a right outward-hand sword to your attacker’s throat.

3. Step your left foot to 10:30 into a right fighting stance as you execute a right inward block to check any attacker’s returns.

4. Execute a right front kick followed by a left front kick and land into a left fighting stance facing 4:30.

Set II: Whirling Blades (Front and Rear Punches) [similar to The Ram and the Eagle]

1. Pivot into a right front twist stance as you execute a left inward block to the attacker in front at 6 o’clock and a right extended outward block to the attacker behind you at 12 o’clock.

2. Step your right foot to 4:30 as you execute a right raking fist to your 6 o’clock attacker’s ribs and unwind into a left fighting stance facing 12 o’clock as you execute a left outward hand sword to your 6 o’clock attacker’s ribs. (Your left hand will check your face.)

3. Execute a right inward block to your 12 o’clock attacker’s right punch as you execute a right front kick at the same time.

4. Land forward into a soft bow as you execute a right chop to the right side of your attacker’s neck.

5. Follow this with a left downward slice to your attacker’s centerline as you drop to a kneel.

6. Rise back into a fighting stance as you execute a right upward elbow to your attacker’s jaw.

7. Execute a right claw down onto your attacker’s eyes.

Set III: Thrusting Limb / Attacking Crane (Flank Attacks)

1. Pivot to 9 o’clock. Execute a right front kick followed by a right thrust kick to your 9 o’clock attacker. Land into a left fighting stance facing 3 o’clock as you execute a left downward block.

2. Execute a left outward block as you also execute a right punch and a right front kick to your 3 o’clock attacker.

Set IV: Crossing Hammers (Left Step-Through Punch) [similar to Shield and Sword]

1. Land in a right fighting stance to 1:30 as you execute a left extended outward block while your right hand is cocked high.

2. Pivot into a horse stance facing your attacker at 10:30 and execute a right back fist down onto your attacker.

3. Execute a left chop to your attacker’s back.

4. Pivot into a hard forward bow as you execute a right punch through your attacker’s left ribs.

Set V: Two-Man Swinging Gate (Front: Grab and Rear Attacker)

1. Step your left foot back to 3 o’clock into a right fighting stance as you pin your front attacker with your left hand and a right upward break under their arm.

2. Step your right foot to 6 o’clock as your right-hand pull your attacker in that direction.

3. Execute a right-back fist to your attacker’s ribs. Have your right hand go to your attacker’s right shoulder and sweep down clearing your attacker’s arm away.

4. Execute a right chop to your front attacker as you execute a right front kick to your rear attacker.

Set VI: Attack from the Temple B (Front Grab)

1. As you land forward to 3 o’clock into a right fighting stance, execute a right forearm strike to your attacker.

2. Step your left foot to 6 o’clock and unwind into a horse stance facing 9 o’clock as you execute a right elbow to make them follow.

3. Execute a right hammer fist to your attacker’s groin.

4. Drop both hands down.

Set VII: Sweeping Branches (Flank Shoulder Grabs) [similar to Snakes of Wisdom]

1. Step your right foot back to 3 o’clock into a hard bow as you do a double wrap-around to your attackers’ arms.

2. Step your right foot forward to 9 o’clock into a hard bow as you do double uppercuts to break your attacker’s arms.

3. Do double backfists to your attacker’s shins. Slide down and grab your attacker’s ankles, sweeping backward as you step your right foot backward.

4. Continue to circle your arms catching the back of your attackers’ heads. Pull them into a right knee strike to your face.

5. Step your right foot out into a horse stance facing 9 o’clock.

Set VIII: Knee Sweep (Flank Shoulder Grabs) [similar to Courting the Tiger]

1. Step your right foot behind your left to set your attackers off balance. (Front one at 12 o’clock, rear at 6 o’clock.)

2. Execute a right front kick to your front attacker’s knee and land with your right foot now in front of your left.

3. Execute a left lifting knee to the back of your rear attacker’s right knee. Execute a left side kick to take out your rear attacker’s left knee.

Set IX: Kung Fu Wrist (Flank Attacks)

1. Step your right foot behind your left.

2. Execute a right front kick to your front attacker. Pivot into a right fighting stance to 4:30 as you counter-grab with your left hand and execute a right forearm strike to your rear attacker’s arm. (Much like Crossing Talon).

3. Execute a right outward elbow followed by an inward overhead elbow.

Set X: Stone Warrior- (Flank Attacks)

1. Pivot into a horse stance facing 12 o’clock as you execute dual inward blocks to your side.

2. Execute double vertical backfists into your attacker’s face.

3. Pivot into a left hard bow facing 9 o’clock as you execute a right overhead claw to your left attacker and a right underhand claw to your right attacker.

4. Pivot into a right hard bow facing 3 o’clock as you execute a right overhead claw to your right attacker and a left underhand claw to your left attacker.


1. Step your right foot to your left into a horse stance.

2. If you did the formal salutation to open, close with this as well.

3. If you are doing the B version right now, close as left to right.


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