Tang Soo Do Dan Bon

The explanation for the DAN BON 단봉 system is contributed to H.C. Hwang the son of the founder of the Moo Duk Kwan® and comes directly from their site here

The Database below is from previously published newsletters and instructor sources and is provided as a
references only.
Dan Bon
“Dan Bon” simply means “Dan Number;” however, that simple description does not reveal or convey the rich
depth of tradition, history and meaning associated with the Moo Duk Kwan® martial art organization’s Dan
Bon system.
The Moo Duk Kwan® Dan Bon system is a very important and traditional part of the Moo Duk Kwan® martial
art organization. It is a source of great personal pride for Soo Bahk Do practitioners embracing the Moo Duk
Kwan philosophy and goals of technical excellence. Today, I’d like to share a few of the very unique aspects of
the Moo Duk Kwan Dan Bon system with you.
When Grandmaster Hwang Kee founded the Moo Duk Kwan school in 1945, he began with only a handful of
students and only four students were successful at achieving the Cho Dan Rank after long, hard Moo Duk Kwan
training. The late Master Un Chang Kim was about 30 years old when he earned Dan Bon #1 from Grandmaster
Hwang Kee in 1948. It was on that day the Moo Duk Kwan’s Dan Bon tradition was born. The last Dan Bon
issued by Grandmaster Hwang Kee in July of 2002 was 41208. As of 2004, more than 42, 400 Dans worldwide
have earned their Dan Bon in the Moo Duk Kwan school and their permanent place in its living history.
Moo Duk Kwan Founder Hwang Kee and his successor Moo Duk Kwan President H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang
What makes the Moo Duk Kwan® Dan Bon system so unique? It is the fact that the Dan Bon clearly defines
each Dan holder’s seniority and their place within the Moo Duk Kwan school’s rank system. The Dan Bon
system was initiated and created based on a high value of loyalty, history, tradition, discipline, and philosophy.
Once a Cho Dan receives their Dan Number, they keep it permanently. Their Dan Bon is not just an
administration number. It signifies an important aspect of our Moo Do identity within the Moo Duk Kwan and
designates our definite place in the Moo Duk Kwan rank system. At any National or International Soo Bahk Do
Moo Duk Kwan event, without discussion, without dispute or conflict, and without confusion, the Dan Bon
system allows practitioners who may have never even met to harmoniously assume their rightful place in line
among peers from around the world. Where else can you find this kind of Moo Do system like your style of
Moo Duk Kwan has?
Because Moo Duk Kwan training is very disciplined, a strong meaning is attached to seniority and the Dan Bon
reveals one’s seniority within the Moo Duk Kwan, even among Dan practitioners you may never have met
before. Many organizations may have member numbering systems for the purpose of administration; however,
such numbers do not reflect a practitioner’s Moo Do identity or represent the defining discipline of seniority.
Why is Dan Bon in our style treated highly and respected as symbol of seniority? There are several reasons:
1. Grandmaster Hwang Kee, as the founder of the Moo Duk Kwan, initiated the Dan Bon system and was
the only person who oversaw and authorized each Dan Bon based on the Moo Do seniority of each
practitioner. He personally assigned Dan Bons until his retirement, when he passed on the responsibility
of protecting and preserving the integrity of the Moo Duk Kwan Dan Bon system to his designated
successor, H. C. Hwang Kwan Jang Nim. To this day, the Moo Duk Kwan Dan Bon system remains
continuous and unbroken since its inception.
2. As a result of high level of discipline and training, the Grandmaster has taught the importance of
seniority to all his students and the Grandmaster has linked their Moo Do seniority through the Dan Bon
3. The Moo Duk Kwan school was the most visible and well known martial art school in Korea until the
early 1960s. The Grandmaster’s teachings and his students demonstrations of respect for the Dan Bon
system made profound impacts on the martial arts society during that period of time.
The following are a few incidents that exemplify the importance of Dan Bon within our system and outside our
system. These incidents will aid in the full comprehension of the Dan Bon seniority system.
1. In the early 1960’s after the military coup (birth of Tae Kwon Do in Korea, some practitioners from the
Moo Duk Kwan joined the Tae Kwon Do Association for political reasons. At that time, even though
they were outside of the Moo Duk Kwan, some practitioners tried to steal and destroy the Kwan Jok Bu
(the Book of the List of Dan Bon) in order to erase the record of seniority from the Moo Duk Kwan. In
this way, they believed that they could pass off as senior members with political influence. This attempt
2. In United States history when senior instructors of the Moo Duk Kwan broke away to form their own
organizations, some attempted to copy the Dan Bon system by issuing numbers to students that
continued from the last Dan Bon that had been issued by Grandmaster Hwang Kee rather than starting
from #1 for their own organization.
3. Among many Moo Duk Kwan alumni throughout the world, regardless of their present affiliation, many
still publicize their Moo Duk Kwan Dan Bon received from the Grandmaster Hwang Kee as they
attempt to enhance their credibility and establish the origin of their Moo Do identity. These realities are
examples of the profound impact that the Moo Duk Kwan Dan Bon has had on the Martial arts
community worldwide.
We have the opportunity to protect and preserve this unique and proud tradition by continuing to practice the
same values which originated the Dan Bon system. Our tradition has not been lost. All Dan Bon holders stem
from the same roots. We can each trace our origin as Dan’s directly back to Grandmaster Hwang Kee and our
Dan Bon confirms that fact.
To be loyal, to maintain one’s connection to the source of one’s Moo Do identity, that is the essence of the Moo
Duk Kwan. Those who forfeit their connection lose the compass of their martial art journey and their Shim
Gong is lost. Disconnected, they travel down a very different path and it is one which will never lead them to
understand the true nature of their relationship in “The Art and I.”
H.C. Hwang
Dan Bon Numbers
UPDATED 10/18/2018 8 additional names

1 Kim, Un Chang (1948)
2 Kim, Young-duk
3 Nam, Sun Hyun 남산면
4 Yoo, Kwa Young
5 Choi, Hee-suk
6 Kim, In Suk
7 Lee, Buk Sung
9 Won, Yung Bup
10 Hong, Chong Soo
11 Hwang, Jin-tae 황진태
12 Kim, In, Suk
15 Chung, Chang-young 정창호
17 Kim, Poong-chon
19 Lee, Kwang-ik 이강일
20 Lim, Myoung-soon
21 Park, Yong-ha
26 Oh, Sae Joon
32 Kim, Young-seok
37 Han, Yong Tae
38 Kim, Jae Joon
58 Bong, Jae-yong 봉재영
64 Lim, Dae-Seon
70 Lee, Kang Uk
80 Cho, Hwan 조한
90 Kim, Jong-sok
123 Kim, Jung-kil
136 Gu, Han-hung
161 Kim, Chung-jhoong Sept. 1959
172 Choi, Byoug-ho
180 Sang Kyu Shim
299 Kim, Nam-ho 김남호
305 Lee Kwang jae
410 Chung, Wha Yong
475 Kim, Chung Il
509 Hwang, Hyun Chul (Founders son) (1963)
539 Kim, Song Ki
549 Lee, Pal-yong (Korea)
604 Cho, Yong-ho 조용호
698 Shin, Jae Chul (World Tang Soo Do Association)
724 Shin, Kyu-sik
757 Dale T Droulliard (1st American in MooDuk Kwan)
759 Mariano Estioko
885 Lee, Jong Hyun
1290 Kim, Sang-soo
1369 Han Eung Kyo
1370 Lee, Jeong-sook
1595 (Bobby) Kim, Woong-kyung 1959
1763 Ahn, Kyong-won
1791 Robert A. Thompson (April 1960 Ohio)
1815 Lawrence Seiberlich (April 1960)
1885 Kim, Jong-heon

2097 Lee, Jong-hwan

2148 Park, Yong-soo
2277 John Butterwick Col. Ret. (Oct. 1960)
2278 Robert A. Cheeiz (1960 Connecticut)

2322 Seo, Myung-sok
2381 Lee, Jeong-sook

2488 Park, Hee-duk (April 1961)
2457 Kim, Chun-suk
2803 Francis E. Heitman (Colorado)
2814 Moon, Dai-won
2819 Carlos Ray “Chuck”Norris (Oct. 1960) (3rd Dan 1966)
2871 Maria Del Pilar Gerarda
2883 Casimiro Grandeza
3009 Manuel “Jojo” Grandeza
3075 Lee, Jong-hyun
3167 Kim, Tong-Mu (Georgia-USA)
3568 Edward B. Doughty (Montana)
3593 David J. Praim (10/8/61)
3596 Joe L . Weeks (Arkansas) 1961
3597 Lynn Jackson
3599 Charles “Chuck”Sereff (1963) changed to ITF TKD A-9-1 9th Dan
3722 Chang, Soon-ho
3759 Lee, Gil-won South Korea
4130 James N. Rushton
4137 Russell Hanke
4141 Charles M. Chapman (Arizona)
4142 Hong, Yong-ki
4212 Chu, Kyo-Seung
4300 Lee, Jong-seo (South Korea)
4370 Steven Schneider (California)
4493 James Cummings
4500 Chung, Kwang-Duk (New York)1963 ITF 8th Dan

4669 Choung, Koe-woong
4822 Arthur Rohrbach Jr. (Iowa)
4824 Floyd J. Guidry (Texas)
4825 Robert M. Shipley (Hawaii)
4861 Kim, Hui-young
5317 Julius Dudley Jr. (New Jersey)
5318 Johnie L. Williams (California)
5609 Asa D. Herring Jr. (North Carolina)
5610 Jan Nowak (Missouri)
5611 Bill Sampson (Tennessee)
5657 Robert E. Beaudoin (Oct. 1965)
5661 Robert E. Beuadoin (California)
5662 Barney Miller (New York)
5663 Horace R. Avery (North Carolina)
5773 Lee, Kwang-jae (April 1963)
5845 William D. Clingan (California)
5991 Don Garrett
6037 Robert C. Sohn
6052 Charles A. Casey
6053 John Habura Jr (Pennsylvania)
6054 Leland A. Yungkin (Washington)
6055 Thomas D. Shortridge (Florida)
6056 John C. Myers (Pennsylvania)
6421 -1963
6500 Charles E. Sereff ITF Grandmaster A-9-1
6523 HWANG, Kwang-sung ITF Grandmaster K-9-1

6564 James K. Roberts Sr.
6729 Richard Marquez (California)
6764 Manuel Figueroa Jr. (Texas)
6765 Bengamin Wong (Hawaii)
6766 James H. Lagreniere (Illinois)
6780 Edward Gross
6971 Pat Johnson (California) Chuck Norris student
6990 David E. Prue
7204 Elevinio M. Varos (New Mexico)
7291 Vincent J. Nunno
7440 Hong, In Kee
7905 Fred B. Laureta (New Mexico)
7906 Donald Somsky (Colorado)
7940 Dexte Ray Wilcoxson (Florida)
7941 Donald D. Jones (Kentucky)
7954 Eugine Percival

8013 Cho, Sung-duk
8015 Nam, Taek Hon (Pennsylvania-USA)
8026 Kim, Nam Tae (son of late Grandmaster Jae Joon Kim)
8282 Leslie W. Danner
8283 Gerald R. Skiver (Missouri) Ashland, NC.
8308 Kim, Chong-su (Pennsylvania)
8321 Lee, Kyun-hwa
8582 Jerry M. Pricer (Texas)
8583 David J. Walters (South Carolina)
8584 Robert L. Ambrose (California)

8837  Lee, Ki-yun
8844 John H. Daily (Pennsylvania)
8908 Herman Beal
9182 Herman c. Bauer (New York)
9183 Marvin E. Pfingsten (North Dakota)
9184 William D. Maghielse (Michigan)
9185 Charles B. Jackson (South Carolina)
9186 Valentine S. Galang (California)
9214 Michael R. Plotz (Iowa)
9843 David Luke AUG 1967
9859 Larry M. Belcher (California)
9938 William Short (New Jersey)
9939 Benny Mares (California)
9953 Chester S. Grier (California)
9954 Michael J. Carrera (New York)
9955 Jess G. Mikkelsen (Colorado)
9956 Gerald D. Patterson (Michigan)
10002 Bruce J. Bader (Ohio)
10180 Micheal Masley Jr. 6/18/69
10187 Andy AhPo
10188 Gerald Taylor
10189 Victor M. Martinov (California)
10190 Willie Norris (Chuck Norris brother)
10496 Charles F. Moss (New Hampshire)
10619 Clifford P. Nelme (New Mexico)
10673 Kenneth R. Taylor (New Jersey)
10675 Ernesto R. Smith (New York)
10677 Dale R. Stonecipher (Arkansas)
10680 Kenneth Watterworth (Connecticut)
10681 Robert Doyle (Connecticut)
10682 John A. Brown (Connecticut)
10683 Raymond E. Duerr (California)
10684 Chris J. Wells (California)
10686 Alfred S. Greer (California)
10687 Micheal J. Wilson (California)
10688 Melvin A. West (Virginia)
10689 Earnest W. Padgett (New Hampshire)
10721 Robert Kelver AUG 1967
10722 Lon Hisckhe AUG 1967
10723 John Martens AUG 1967
10724 Mike March AUG 1967
10725 Paul Thomas AUG 1967
10730 Robert William Bruton
10732 Jesse E. Ash (Ohio)
10734 Lee M. Schrodeder (New Mexico)
10735 Carl A. Maddalone (New Jersey)
10737 Dennis R. Young (California)
10740 Charles N. McKnight (Alabama)
10769 Ed Copley AUG 1967
10805 Kwon, Hyuk Youn
11201 Michael Romines (Michigan)
11685 Harry E. Rowe, Jr. (Alaska)
11686 Tom Schumpert Jr (New Jersey)
11688 Robert L. Rucinski (Ohio)
11689 Benjamin J. Cortese (Connecticut)
11697 Fred G. Ratliff (Ohio)
11699 Kenneth A. Chestang (Alabama)
11700 Stephen F. Tonkin (New Jersey)
11760 David D. White (New York)
11762 Sal Moscariello (Connecticut)
11763 Roger L. Bradley (Pennsylvania)
11772 George Page
11773 Fiedel J. Rodriguez (Pennsylvania)
11774 Jeff Goldberg (Connecticut)
11870 Lee, Byoem-ju
11961 Ed A. Guardanapo (Oklahoma)
12180 Eugene Davis (Pennsylvania)
12181 Charles J. Whitten / USA
12187 Chuck Blackburn
12197 Edgardo “Bing” J. Grandeza Philippines
12200 Robert J. Shannon (Connecticut)
12201 Maurice J. LaFreniere (Connecticut)
12202 Ralph A. Petro Roy (Connecticut)
12203 Felix A. Nichalson (Ohio)
12206 Joe Jacobs (Michigan) SEP 1968
12268 Ed Wolan (Michigan) SEP 1968
12502 Clyde A. Mills (California)
12510 Howard Long (Ohio)
12516 Daniel J. Kearney (New York)
12520 Nicholas I. Brennan (Connecticut)
12895 Ted Mason (1967)
12923 Dan Nolan (31 DEC. 1969)
12935 Joseph M. Amtunucci (Connecticut)
12942 Roger C. Petro Roy (Connecticut)
12949 Prospero Ellis
13011 Leo Mayer (Michigan) APR 1969
13012 Mike McNamara (Michigan) APR 1969
13013 Robert Jones (Michigan) APR 1969
13014 Carlo DeMichel (Michigan) APR 1969
13249 Robert D. Price (California)
13270 John Kabli (Pennsylvania)
13274 Edward Smith Sr. (Ohio)
13276 Michael F. Kozlowski (New Jersey)
13277 William J. Blank (Pennsylvania)
13282 Pak, Ho-sik (California-USA)
13313 Gary Stempien (Michigan) JUL 1969
13316 Vincent R. Palomo (California)
13321 David Cray (Pennsylvania)
13323 Nieves Marcial (New York)
13333 Frank Trojanowicz (Pennsylvania)
13429 Wilfredo “Willy” J. Grandeza
13751 Rogers L. Peter (New Jersey)
13752 Michael J. Rooney (New Jersey)
13753 Maryrose M. Talpos (New Jersy)
13754 Tom Yannielli (Connecticut)
13755 William R. Power (Connecticut)
13756 John Guerra (Connecticut)
13757 Ralph H. Cross (Connecticut)
13760 Kathy L/ Bucher (New Jersey)
13761 Eliza Nicholai (New Jersey)
13762 Steven P. Krasney (New Jersey)
13764 Hoyt H. Zia (New Jersey)
13791 Mike P. Horne (California)
13792 Robert Alegria (California)
13804 Henty Fuentes (Michigan) NOV 1969
13829 Ronald T. Cody (Ohio)
13861 Richard A. Crocetto (Connecticut)
13885 Charles H. Henderson (New Jersey)
13887 E. Wayne Robins (Oklahoma)
13924 James R Hyepok (California)
13925 Robert G. Nieto (Ohio)
13927 Roberto Bonefont Sr.
13962 Dan T. Oleary (Connecticut)
14209 Clyde Whitledge (Michigan) MAY 1970
14210 Chester Zajac (Michigan) MAY 1970
14211 George Reynolds (Michigan) MAY 1970
14212 Keith Sonnenborg (Michigan) MAY 1970
14213 Richard Roberts (Michigan) MAY 1970
14214 David Burgress (Michigan) MAY 1970
14215 Harvey Schwartz (Michigan) MAY 1970
14216 Joe Racz (Michigan) MAY 1970
14217 William Dorris (Michigan) MAY 1970
14219 Kendall Jenkins
14304 Frank R. L. Pope (Arkansas)
14306 Michael C. White (Pennsylvania)
14307 Francis T. Zappone (Connecticut)
14308 Harold G. Welton (Connecticut)
14309 James R. Cross (Connecticut)
14310 Fred W. Kleis (Connecticut)
14311 Glen D. Faught (Pennsylvania)
14312 Thomas Herring Jr. (Ohio)
14314 Moses S. Chambliss (New Jersey)
14316 John L. Britt (New Jersey)
14317 James A. Lee (New Jersey)
14318 Thomas R. Todd (Pennsylvania)
14345 Fred Kenyon
14350 Tae Yun Kim (Kyong Ae Kim)
14363 John Dellapia (New Hampshire)
14373 Paul J. Rollie (Colorado)
14384 Alvin S. Pollard (Virginia)
14385 Anthony M. Montana (North Dakota)
14415 Johnny Lee (1970)
14419 Evertt Eddy
14422 Robert Hankins (Michigan) SEP 1970
14423 Micheal Walmsley (Michigan) SEP 1970
14424 Lynn Behrens (Michigan) SEP 1970
14426 Donald Davis (Michigan) SEP 1970
14427 James E. Hechstadt (California)
14436 James Donnelly
14447 Gary Iwatsuru 03/21/1971
14463 Micheal Shintaku – (California-USA)
14464 Robert W. Fernandez (Connecticut)
14465 Joseph E. McCarty (Connecticut)
14489 James Saffold (1971)
14561 Robb Hogan (Michigan) OCT 1972
14583 John R. Stec (Michigan) JAN 1974
14618 David H. Swartz (Michigan) SEP 1976
14676 Dana Vaillancourt

14715 Benjamin Michael Baird (1975)
14763 Greg Boliard (1974)
14864 Stephen Washington
14887 Leroy Madison (New Jersey)
14938 Dale T. Terry (Colorado)
14939 William C. Thomas (Colorado)
14940 William T. Todd (Pennsylvania)
14941 Robert J. Kirschke (New Jersey)
14942 Douglas E. Hill (New Jersey)
14945 Richard Byrne
14952 Gregory J. Paravati (North Dakota)
14955 Mr. Williams
14966 Robert S. Kirk (Alabama)
14986 August P. Ruthenberg (Oklahoma)
14987 Leo P. Ticheli (Alabama)
15025 Frank Waller Jr. (California)
15061 Tony Carnley (Maxwell Airforce Base ) via Shin, Yu-ki
15072 Carl Tate (Canada)

15325 David Wilson
15552 Pedro Vangas
15710 Eric Madis (via Kim, Jae-joon)
15712 Larry M. Denison (Pennsylvania)
15716 Richard R. Hamel (Connecticut)
15717 Richard Bartoli (Connecticut)
15718 Nick Perugini (Connecticut)
15803 Charles H. Moore (Pennsylvania)
15805 Fracesco L. Bonsignore (New York)
15805 Frank Bonsignore
15806 Ruben E. Torres (New York)
15807 Virgil L. Null (Ohio)
15808 King J. Darrly (New Mexico)
15820 Andrea Nissim (New Jersey)
15875 Miguel Arroyo (Connecticut)
15876 Joseph Margitich (Pennsylvania)
15877 Ron Crocco (Connecticut)
15878 Peter Regallo (Pennsylvania)
15879 Ron Savage (Connecticut)
16181 Robert K. Marus (Arizona)
16219 Carlos Gonzalez Romero
16308 Jeffrey A. Dickstein (California)
16312 Delane Taylor (Pennsylvania)
16316 Joanne M. Stanley (New Jersey)
16318 Lester Pugh (Pennsylvania)
16322 Ralph D. Smith (Alabama)
16325 Ronald D. Planesi (California)
16326 Micheal Park
16354 Ramero Guzman Mexico
16355 Charles J. Bohn II (California)
16459 Edward Cutlip (Michigan)
16505 Arthor Pryor
16519 Roberto D. Villalba (Italy)
16600 Kirk Rehn (Michigan)
16705 Daniel L. Putetti (Connecticut)
16706 John B. Beam (Pennsylvania)
16711 Susan D. Cook (Pennsylvania)
16739 Roger D. Rowe (Alaska)
16740 Heidi A. Goldberg (Connecticut)
16755 Robert Lawrence
16863 Lee, Dong-kyu (Korea)
16889 Lee, Young-ho (New Zealand)
16929 Mark Southard (Connecticut)
16930 Marshall L. Martin (Ohio)
16960 David E. Priam (Michigan)
16961 James Stevers
16962 Keith Kolasski
17028 Phil L. Suffredini (Connecticut)
17029 Walter J. Belsito (Connecticut)
17030 Jesse A. Hawkins (New Jersey)
17072 Ivan Chuan Hoe Tnay (1972)
17113 William House
17219 Bob Caputo (USA)
17222 Allen Oliver
17405 Robert T. Menge (California)
17406 Charles L. Irwin (Pennsylvania)
17407 Gary L. Foster (New Jersey)
17408 Jerry Dannecker (Pennsylvania)
17409 Paul J. Barton (New Hampshire)
17410 Fred R. Chase (Pennsylvania)
17411 Jeffery A. Abromovitz (Pennsylvania)
17412 Frank J. Condi (Pennsylvania)
17413 Anthony L. Naro (Pennsylvania)
17414 Ralph J. Pastore (Pennsylvania)
17415 Brad J. Schumacher (Connecticut)
17416 Robert Rondelli (Connecticut)
17417 James McWilliams (Pennsylvania)
17418 Benjamin Minnick (Pennsylvania)
17455 Chester J. Pepek Jr. (Connecticut)
17552 Charles M. Perkins (Colorado)
17553 Terry W. Perkins (Colorado)
17554 Mike Aguilar (Colorado)
17555 William E. Fennelly (Connecticut)

17611 Chin Kok King
17640 Jose Torres Naverratte
17650 Jeff Moonitz
17724 Romano Yap
17763 Jimmie L. McFarland (Alabama)
17921 Leon D. Goggin (Pennsylvania)
17922 Margie Nahas (Pennsylvania)
17924 Jay B. Pittman (Arkansas)
17926 Mary Ann Walsh
17930 Katherine R. King (New Jersey)
18140 Gregory L. Johnson (California)
18142 Jerry M. Daniels (New Jersey)
18143 Psyche H. Smith (New Jersey)
18144 James E. Applegate (New Jersey)
18145 Brenda L. Shaheen (New Jersey)
18146 David Pawlak (New Jersey)
18174 Robert Kovaleski
18223 Grandeza, Sullivan J.
18224 Grandeza, Roberto J.
18338 Guy F. Munder (Oklahoma)
18387 Jerry L. Strickland (Texas)
18389 Michael L. Driggers (California)
18430 Dennis E. Miller (New Mexico)

18656 Dominik Giacobbe

18938 Wesley  C Jenkins (1975)
19003 Fred Vanke
19023 Keiko Mason
19025 Kim, Ji-on
19027 Wilton Bennett
19028 George Dolby
19040 William R. Strong
19042 Domingo, Cesar S

19190 Cynthia Markowski Rothrock

19192 Don Southerton
19203 Choi, Eui-sun
19442 Dave Beiermann (8/10/75) / USA
19455 Francisco B Blotta / Argentina
19457 Gustovo Poletti
19461 Steven Diaz
19500 Richard Wilcox
19507 Michael Baird
19700 Wilbret McCrae
19765 Doris Beavin
19787 Frank Schermemerhorn

19838 Robert L Bidwell Jr. 11/25/1977
19839 Daymon Kenyon

19845 Marc Oster

19901 Larry Dercole (1976)

19921 Melvin Smeal
19960 William Ginyard
19980 Dennis R. DiMarco (1977)

19986 Charles Ferraro
19987 Stephen Best (CT)

20232 Mike Bogdanski / Connecticut
20405 Roger Haines
20424 Robert Woodwiss (12/1976)
20534 William Johns Jr.
20557 Jose L Blotta / Argentina
20566 Thomas Wasylyk
20571 Phillip Bartolacci
20584 Tom Page
20585 Michael Mitchell
20592 Larry Drehs (10/25/77)
20597 John Goodwin
20632 Kris Poole
20636 Stephen Propst (1976)
20641 Brian Wilbourn
20711 Ronald G. Raver
20729 Fred Messersmith
20742 Linda Morey
20766 Jere Klein
20780 Dae Kyu Jang
20782 Jeff Scott
20786 Marlene Kachevas

20861 Mark Kins
21015 El Hassane Boussalaa
21044 Brett Carroll
21101 Ronald W. Rodriguez (1977)
21328 Ganni Anile Chiarelli (Italy)
21351 Sandra Russell
21420 Bill Nelson
21514 Kostas Papopolous (Greece)

21531 James Edwards
21542 Kostas Papadopoulos (Greece)
21556 David Zacker
21573 Gordon Rickard
21583 Rick Brown
21614 John Neace
21909 Ken Trevallyan
21941 Michael Garaguso
21956 Tommy Reyes
21963 Sterling Cannon
21993 Blanco, Venerando (1977)
22011 Ted Smith (USA)
22043 Gary Bron
22084 Stephen Hunt (USA)
22103 David L. Roberts
22358 Russell Colsten
22420 Robert Hedges (UK/Ireland)
22519 Chris Austin (Austrila)
22521 Daniel Banard
22580 Wynford Williams

22630 Choe, Ki-Un / Kunsan, South Korea
22651 Bruce Westbrock
22668 John Huff (5/82)
22677 Steve Tracy
22737 Michael S Meany New Jersey
22770 John Butterwick
22809 Palazuelo, Mario C. (1980)
22903 Hwang, Ki-sun

22932 David Sgro
22962 Philip R, Turner (1982)
22966 John Cuoco
22982 Karen Mead
22985 Jay Penfil
23073 Steven Lemner (7th Dan as of 04/01/18)
23081 Johnny Mccune
23082 Cash Cooper
23084 Ron Williams
23101 Darrell Schulze
23102 Steve Dumont
23103 Harry Raynor
23104 James Harwood
23111 Micheal Reyes
23120 Mike Hinzman
23129 Steve Ross
23132 Craig Hays
23268 Oliver Whitcomb
23269 Jeff Griggs
23279 Lisa Donnelly
23321 Thian Lok Lim (Malaysia)
23540 Lisa Kozak
23587 John Mahony (USA)
23640 Mosche Jakoni (Israel)
23650 Jay Kim
23675 Debra Hall
23703 Steven Lemner
23733 Michael DiBassi
23734 John K. Pistella
23735 Ralph Gullucci
23754 Michael Austin
23757 Kriton Glenn
24104 Doug Nowling
24125 John Hancock

24286 Larru Shelton 1986 / Maryland

25050 Vincent N. Melchiorre
25052 Tracy Phillips
25080 Joseph H. Centrone
25084 Craig Wittmer
25097 Robert Panetti
26015 Louis Legregin

26019 Charles Water
26021 Urs Spoerri (Switerland)
26029 Ron Tramontano
26095 Bob Parker
26098 Jack Kelly
26143 Ho, Seo-hyun
26160 R Hellings
26245 Edward Frampton
26254 Jeffery Michkofsky
26263 Gene Riggs
26298 Monty J. Fulk
26448 Christian Hellings
26467 Keith Bennett
26497 Dennis Rowe
26552 Dave Willard
26558 John Maltby
26581 Timothy Clyde
26867 Paul Joseph Brown Trained in UK. by Master Kang Uk Lee 30/12/1986.
26878 William Holdman
26918 Stephanie Diaz (78th Dan Test in Sacramento, CA on October 25, 1986)
26919 Leonce Bienville Jr. (78th Dan Test in Sacramento, CA on October 25, 1986)
26925 Hiram Turner
26946 Steve Peterson
26949 Mark Zoost

26962 Morgan Gabriel Boylan  (1986)
26969 Ponce De leon, Frederick Paul, (1986)
27132 Oscar H. Molina / Argentina
27133 William Hockman
27146 Daniel Ellenbacher
27164 Alex Baran
27503 Roy Latimer
27516 Ricardo F. Giorgi / Argentina
27577 George Hoffmeister
27599 Sharon Elder-Hauger (1987)

27263 Brian Sileo
27697 Matthew Wolfer (1988)
27713 Bill Milberger
28033 Robert Schmitt
28041 Joey Poppo
28086 Jay Itow
28089 Jeff Mackey
28113 Micheal Meredith

28404 Robert Straub (1989)
28441 Gabriel Fernandez / Argentina
28480 Mohammad Vatan
28481 Brandon Low
28793 David Kingman

29810 Dean Meier
28912 Terri Coffee

28928 Vinnie Howard
28951 Alexandra Lalieu
28956 Paul Ell 11/20/89

28961 Brett H. Riley 11/20/89
28977 Robert Diehi
29029 Natalia Blotta / Argentina
29030 Francisco R. Blotta / Argentina
29036 Robert Siegel

29068 David Berube
29080 Michael Fong
29081 David Woodley

29085 Roberto Bonefont Sr.

29427 Darlene Martin Coleman
29432 Ryan Vodden
29451 Curt McCauley
29456 Kevin Lewis
29476 David L. Reed

29512 James Kirby
29755 Josh Lockwood (USA)

29763 Josh Teasdale

29764 Mike Teasdale
29790 Carly Hunt
29793 Joshua Duncan (10/90)
29822 Paul Del Sordo (10/12/90)

29902 Kate Teasdale
29978 Harry Lade
29986 Steve S. Grandeza (1990)
29987 Pingoy, Gerardo G. (1990)
29988 Pingoy, Hilario G.(1990)
29994 Christian Naggier

30177 Eric Hill
30182 Philip Jason Steyer
30212 Denise Mullin
30216 Jason Yeates
30362 Darryl Kegg
30363 Dustin Pickering
30403 Dave Thomas
30696 Brandon Myers
30697 Micheal Griffin
30699 Micheal Zickafoose
30700 David Dersien
30701 Todd Dersien
30702 Marie Raef
30738 Kathleen Poppo

30776 Larry Gilliland (1991)
30784 Teik Mullen
30796 James Kegg
30797 Barb Devore

30847 Michael Torchia

30848  Ed Pereira
31037 Jon Kutemeier / USA
31041 Sallie Lockwood / USA

31044 Christian Preiss / Switzerland
31097 Anna Oulashin / USA
31103 Hugo E Aguirre / Argentina
31127 Mike Cerrito
31208 Palmares, Promencio (1990)
31209 William Parrish / USA

31127 W. Roy Macdonald
31402 Michael Kelly
31422 George Gavit
31439 Chuck Raef

31483 Frank Summa
31547 Kent Boudreau
31567 Manuel M. Paez / Argentina
31623 Macalisang, Fr. John D. (1992)
31627 Pablo Vangas
31628 Jamie Lazu
31868 Danny Lockhart
31890 Aaron Lemner
31891 Adam Fancher
31948 Joe English
32211 Ryan St. John
32212 Chad St. John
32238 Jennifer Gibbons
32244 Thomas Thai

32272 Gina Quintano
32278 Justin Miller

32341 Matthew Becker
32440 Joseph Scholz
32604 Karen Hilbourn
32626 Brett Casino
32700 Frank Tsai / Danbury, CT.
32740 Jared Rosenthal /1994
32749 Ruben Bracco / Argentina
32771 Travis Guinn
32784 John Ballard 06/94
32797 Roberto Olmedo

32829 Scott Haydock
32839 Virtucio Jr., Floro
32840 Grandeza, Bryan S.
32848 Ibañez, Rodrigo L.
32850 Salazar, Wilfredo
32869 Floro Virtucio Jr. / Malaysia
32958 Mostafa Mahmoudi (Iran)
33004 Guy Chouinard
33005 Bobbye Fancher
33008 Christy Cooper / USA
33028 Paul Culligan / USA
33141 Charles Smith / USA
33145 Charles Holland / USA
33148 Linda St. John / USA
33162 Nicolas Blotta
33163 Chistian Mut / Argentina
33190 Cort Stienhour
33218 Debra Williams
33219 Leonie Broman
33220 Craig Conner / Australia 5th Dan
33429 Micheal McKenna
33451 Ernie Medina (USA)
33479 Gabriela Brown (USA)
33484 Rodrigo Cruz (USA)
33514 Ruben Schiavo / Argentina
33549 Duane Brummit
33595 Pam Stevenson
33596 Melinda Acevedo
33628 Willie Brantley
33638 Renee Williams
33642 Jimenez, Fr. Carlos P. SVD
33855 Jason Hartman
33859 Ari Leib
33863 Carol Cooper
33864 David Cooper (4th Dan as of 04/01/18)
33881 Lee Nicholson
33933 Paul Marshall
33958 Michael Ryder

33962 Marcus Shealy                                                                                               33963 Dustin Sears
33986 Kim Wyles

33995 John Mortimer
34114 Pauyon, Kathryn T.
34121 Jose Vangas
34122 Abimael Lazu (Puerto Rico)
34123 Zaulda, Romeo T.
34124 Floreza, Leonardo R.
34126 Dereck Koina / Australia
34127 Roberto Fontora (Uragray)
34508 Edward Sachs
34524 Kwon, Dae-keun
34562 Jessica Lockwood
34563 Amanda Horrell
34634 Carol Campbell
34658 Zapatos, Atty. Arnel A.
34659 Solana III, Nicolas Armando A.
34679 Hechanova, Jeffrey J.
34680 Casipong, Camela Mae J.
34683 Mark Koina (USA)
34684 Julie Garbode
34685 David Ryan
34686 Alex Carrillo Sanhueza / Belgium

34997 James Pumarejo

35053 Ricard Amon
35142 Thomas Brnich
35156 Ken Swaffer
35187 David Moon
35209 Elizabeth“Izzi”Frear
35214 Diane Granata
35224 Mary Williamson
35245 Pascal Trembla
35246 Linda Rauch
35249 Keith Wildonger
35251 Tom Robinson
35324 Joseph Dersien
35327 Dan Horrell
35328 Laurie Horrell
35370 Astudillo III, Roberto Nell Jone M. (1996)
35372 Oscar Rosado
35373 Jim O. Class
35828 Kevin Horowitz
35888 Scott Ridlon                                                                                         35899 Timothy Simpson (Tennessee)
35919 Diego Salinas (Spain)
35935 Robert Peters
35936 Ronald Atkins
35957 Carlos Moyano
36017 Suzanne Robinson
36104 Abbud Abdul-Sami 10/12/97
36320 Amanda Tinsley
36364 Brian Corrales

36375 David Alvas (1997)
36377 Adam Diaz (USA)
36429 Ed Horni (USA)
36449 Mark Ross
36450 Duncan Brotherton
36451 Jarrod Fong
36491 Ben Peters
36492 Marshan Leib
36493 Christian Cohen
36527 Veneracion, Don Paulo F.
36548 Nicholas W. D’Amato
36706 Xavier Dufour (Belgium)
36715 Eric Bishko
36757 Noelia Lago
36836 Robert Chesterfield
36837 Nick Bailey
36838 Craig Bailey
36839 Kim Chesterfield

36886 Julian Alvas (1996)
36897 Allison Camp
37273 Patrick Keenan
37328 Linda Pawlowski
37338 James Halbig
37343 Jeremy Spence (5th Dan as of 04/01/18)
37349 Andrew Costones (5th Dan as of 04/01/18)
37449 Howard Kea
37477 Steven D’Agata
37524 Simon Cowie / Australia
37801 Gary Jackson
37802 Jason Berry
37805 Joe Klipp
37806 Robert Parchim
37809 Dwayne Townsend (USA)
37816 Teri Vodden
37968 Douglas Counrtyman (USA)
37998 Zachary Peake (USA)
38003 Pat McCarthy
38008 Lauren Andersson
38009 Jason Chan (6/30/99)
38427 Lance Campbell
38480 Matthew Helpling
38560 Roales Jr, Tomas
38774 Eric R. Rickert
38935 Elodie Mollet (France)
38939 Casey Raymond
38950 Steven Sunn
39057 Woodrow Jones
39182 Dalilan, Roger O.
39184 Jose Tanco
39471 Jeff Humphrey
39474 Carl Vonke
39488 Dan Dixon
39683 Stephen McGrath
39702 Dennis Arriola
39936 James Chesterfield
40031 Grandeza, Angela S.
40032 Loudlar, Charles
40033 Hormillada, Joe Archie
40034 Tamayo, Maria Theresa
40035 Samuel Sorich
40037 Jack Phillips
40038 Sarah Milliron/Graham
40039 Michael Schmidt
40040 Daniel Schmidt
40043 John Paul Dehus
40044 Edward Brinkman
40045 Samantha Rabi
40046 Rashad Rabi
40047 Shadi Rabi
40049 Roy Houpt (5/8/01)
40050 Kyle Taft (5/8/01)
40068 Timothy Bennett
40097 Mary Kate Steinhour
40109 Craig Lemner
40181 Richard Floyd
40200 Tony Hertog
40219 Colette Arvidson / USA
40221 Andy Arvidson / USA
40237 Neal Blacker
40577 Steven Norris
40578 William Toomey
40585 Helen Bagnall / USA
40586 Steve Pricthett
40654 John Lehr
40659 Timothy Johnson
40660 Michael Lambert
40662 Mark Mc Taggart
40676 Crystal Estey
40715 Brandon Stienhour
40716 Marcelo H. Picarelli Perrotta (Argentina)
40781 Reid Gilman
40977 Masen Yaffee
41004 Jessica Lemner
41011 Kyle Hines
41138 Kim Morton (7/2002)
41196 Bill Ulstrup
41197 Thor Ulstrup
41198 Patrick McCormick / Australia
41200 Tony Hertog
41206 Antonella Blotta
41208 (7/2002) (Last number issued by Hwang Kee)
41440 Jeff Thomas
41441 Robert Mason
41442 Lindsay Williams
41443 Travis Williams
41446 Daniel Page
41447 Matthew White
41448 Jacob Barker
41449 Erik Lynch
41475 William Mueller
41478 Miki Irvine
41561 David Boucher
41586 Susan Fittanto
41637 John A. Lynch
41647 Matt Heal 11/18/2002 (Australia)
41652 Engr. Dureza, Gil M.
41678 Jim Kehoe / Australia
41998 Carol Constable
42029 Mary Knotts
42030 Beth Cain
42044 Michael Ryan
42300 James Patue
42305 Kevin Ryan
42306 Erin Crouch
42310 Karen Cronin
42322 Mercedes Friere
42325 Tina Hodges
42343 Steve Clark
42395 Gary Olguin
42413 Mr. Kostelac
42445 Laurent Le Hars
42448 Derek Robertson
42470 Louise Crowle
42479 Geovoni Padilla
42480 Mr. Fabiano Mello
42720 Phil Crouch
42806 Aarron Bracker
42849 Joseph Fry
42874 Anthony Guzman (Mexico)
42881 Mary Hertog
42882 Ingrid Herbert
42883 Peter McKay
43207 Ernie Boland
43209 Michael Lynch
43212 Joseph Schmidt
43216 James Yuhas II
43395 Alex Austin
43396 David Lawton

43398 Max Hein (2004)
43559 Mohammad Hussain
43560 Peter Korsgard
43561 Josh Minnick
43568 Glenn Keasey (3rd Dan as of 04/01/18)
43570 Jack Malpasuto
43571 Cindi Verhines
43572 James Johnson (4th Dan as of 04/01/18)
43576 Chris Raymond
43586 Glen Keasey
43597 Matthew Wyatt
43801 Jasmine Tremblay
43803 Kylie McMartin / Australia
43804 Robyn Costa / Australia
43807 Kevin Turner
43960 Ryan Starcher
43962 Mark Starcher
43964 Caleb Fisher
43966 Richard Granger
43967 David Arrington
43968 Robert Crawford
43969 Lance Weiske
43970 Sarah Rivard
43975 Stacy Powers
43976 Michelle White
43997 Lam Si (USA)
44021 Cindy Carlyle (10/2005)
44086 Steven Fishman
44132 Rebecca Norris
44133 Gabrielle Chai (USA)
44158 Ceasar Rodriquez Luna
44275 Abby Boland
44280 Aimee Schmidt
44281 Evan Pervich
44282 Kailyn Moos
44283 Shaun Ohrt
44288 Chad Moos
44290 Susan Baker
44315 Dave Wassink (4/29/06)
44316 Ben Wassink (4/29/06)
44317 Robert Blader (4/29/06)
44368 Joseph Menéndez
44400 Thomas M. Thai
44401 Darno DeJohnette Sr.
44423 Robert Maderazo
44442 Austin C. McKinney
44470 Richard Crawford
44504 Sean Oulashin
44511 Lachlan McColl
44669 Derek Lyons
44777 Caitlin Brenneisein
44778 Victoria Hines
44781 Samantha Anderson
44795 Curtis Brownjohn
44796 Heather Moorcroft
44797 Laing Clark
44798 Phil Nathaniel
44800 Joe Parry
44920 Raynald Froles
44922 Craig Mills

44934 Hans Elie
44989 Nicholas Schouten
44990 Jacob Schouten
44996 Chris Schouten
44997 Amy Schouten
44998 Billy Donohue
44999 Austin Donohue
45067 Adia Jabobs (8/31/07)
45070 Alec Carlyle (8/31/07)
45109 Sam Vulcano
45110 Susan Fong
45314 Edward Jerkovic
45316 Joshua Moore
45317 David Nemitz
45318 Tyler Hensley
45321 Sam Oo
45322 Victoria Dingeldein
45328 Dan Blader (12/8/07)
45336 Louis Johnson, Southern Cross Tang Soo Do Australia
45426 Luis Anguiano
45428 Sarah Holliday Smith
45446 Louise Austin
45447 Darren Jewell
45448 Victor Griss
45449 Pascoe Lawler
45451 Edward Wilson
45453 Peter Tibbits
45454 Stephen Le Hars
45476 Richard Ahlers (USA)
45579 Ross Russell
45585 David Sula
45756 Jack Dowd
45757 Phil Smith
45945 Michael Briccetti Jr.

45999 Zach Sullivan

46000 Tony Mason

46001 Mitchel Goodknecht

46003 Buddy Miller
46033 Don Magness
46034 Pauline Mattschoss
46035 Elizabeth Andrade
46036 Paul Andrade
46039 Bob McColl

46071 Shelby Sanders

46214 Milana Duggan
46216 David Harland
46217 Robert Russell
46219 Ryan Russell

46221 John Paule

46642 Darci Goodknecht Lemner

46643 Dhtuv Mehta

46644 Susanna Mendez

46645 Kyle Gaddis

46646 Jill Leielt

46648 Claire Wahlen

46649 Siddarth Menon

46650 Hannah Williams

46651 Hannah Pepin

46653 Juha Lehtienen

46654 Samantha Harre
46675 Bailey Ward
46689 Anthony Chan
46690 Aden Wilson
46691 Grant Bellis
46692 Tony Brownjohn
46693 Joshua Page
46694 Heather Molomolo
46695 Kim Page
46716 Frank Akkerboom

46891 Dmitri Duggan
46893 Mark Hanna

46897 Ryan Duggan

46900 Chuck Miller

46901 Meggana Miller
46977 Carla Bigelow
46978 Justin Ramaglia
46979 Blake Prescott
47041 Thomas Wilson

47216 Ved Mehta
47218 Malik Lewis
47221 Cory Minnick
47470 Harsiman Bagri
47471 Matti Maston
47473 Raymond Smith
47476 Melinda Mass (2nd Dan as of 04/01/18)

47477 Trey Mabry

47497 Kennedi Pepin

47498 Ian Barnes
47499 Carey Dupey Danbury, CT. USA
47551 Frank Schnitzler (Germany)
47553 Leonardo Barboza Rodríguez Costa Rica
47728 Joel Denowski
47732 Celeste Hall

47735 Collin Lilienthal

47736 Ian Lilienthal

47957 Mariena Iskander

47958 Madonna Iskander

47959 Vincent Denham

47960 Preston King
47961 Hannah Schwartz (2nd Dan as of 04/01/18)
47964 John Maas (2nd Dan as of 04/01/18)

47965 Ben Paraday

47966 Eddie Carmona

47967 Christen Carmona

47996 Eddie Carmona
48021 Blaine LaCross
48189 Micheal Hung

48324 Jack Thonre

48325 Elizabeth Pizano
48326 Dayo Hanidu Danbury, CT. USA
48580 Timine Matthews
48582 Elliot Kopinski
48744 Nick Ilias
48819 Eric Chung Danbury, CT. USA
48822 Mark MacLeod Danbury, CT. USA
48823 Donna McLevy Danbury, CT. USA
48824 Joan Meyers Danbury, CT. USA
48825 Alex McLevy Danbury, CT. USA

48844 Jacob Brzeczkiewicz
48846 Pat Boulda (2nd Dan as of 04/01/18)

48848 Thomas Robinson

48849 Allison O’Gorman

48995 Tyler Junkins
49060 Malcolm McLevy Danbury, CT. USA
49061 Daniel Goldstein Danbury, CT. USA
49094 Greg Czar
49096 Tyler Baker

49295 Jacob Wolf

49296 Thomas Sanchez

49297 Cassidy Vahl
49739 Sterling Wilson

49300 Katelyn Piernadozzi

49304 Kelly Higgins

49598 Brandon Caza
49809 Ben Shelton (1st Dan as of 04/01/18)
50081 Joshua Barker
50084 Blake Ritsema
50088 Joseph Porras
50305 Annie O’Day
50514 Brennan Morris
50515 Logan Morris
50516 Matthew Shelton
50723 Jacob Beck
50733 Savanna Quast
50738 Mark Persinger
50965 Shannon Lowery


Average Rating

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star

50 thoughts on “Tang Soo Do Dan Bon

  1. Hello sir(s),
    My Dan Bon number is 32784, would you mind adding it to this distinguished list please.
    Thank you in advance for your consideration.
    Kind regards,
    John Ballard

  2. Hello sir(s),
    My Dan Bon number is 36104, would you mind adding it to this distinguished list please.
    Thank you in advance for your consideration.
    Abbud Abdal-Sami

  3. Thank you for this list! Here are a few more to add if you would, please:

    20597 – Jeff Goodwin
    23120 – Mike Hinzman
    26949 – Mark Zoost

    And mine is listed incorrectly (thanks for the lower number though!!!)
    31402 – Michael Kelly (currently listed as 31042).

  4. I wanted to inquire about the following two questions:

    1) Is Shin, Jae Chul still alive? If so, what is his contact information?
    2) I am trying to find Floyd J. Guidry (Instructor number 4824). We served together in the USAF in the 1960’s. Please provide any contact information.

    I am instructor number 8283, currently living in Asheville, NC

  5. Please add me on, though I haven’t been in practice for a while! Still a great accomplishment of mine though!

    Eric Bishko
    Dan bon #36715

  6. Hello sir,
    This is a great list.
    If you could add me to this list it would be very appreciated.

    Paul Culligan

    Region 7 USA
    Thank you very much,

  7. Hello, Master Nowling. I started in Okinawan Karate 1975 -1977′, moved then Shotokan 1978-1981′ moved. Kenpo 1982′, Taekwondo Moo duk kwan 1983′-1986′, a Dan in or around 1985′ I never got my Dan number. Who would I look that up with. I moved again, and trained in Tang soo do from then on, not belonging to a federation. Many Masters were like Ronin, and they did not belong to their Masters, or federations any more. As they just did not want to be paying yearly dues, and testing fees. Many people could not afford to pay these fees, so we never got certified. But it hurt many of us that trained for many years, and received no certification or Dan numbers. I trained in Tang Soo do from 1988′ to date. My Master retired in around 1997′ when he made me a Master, by giving me his Master belt. My Master was a 3nd Dan under Hee il Cho, late 70’s, then joined U.S. Tang soo do for maybe 10 years until 1987′ and was a 5th Dan. He said he did not like the politics, and fees. But he trained people until 1997′ and retired after making me a Master in 1997′. I would like to join a Moo Duk Kwan federation that has low fees, with little to no politics, easy to join, and be honored as a Moo Duk Kwan Master. Would you please forward any emails from Moo Duk Kwan Federations that might reply to my post. Thank you, and any Grand Masters for their reply.

    Master Morton

  8. Hello sir. Please include myself and my brother if you can.

    Josh Minnick 43561
    Cory Minnick 47221

    Thank you for your diligent work!

    Josh Minnick

      1. Mr. Knowling,
        I was given to understand that the World Tang Soo Do Association Dan numbers were recognized by MooDuk Kwan–or at least, I believed that was the case when I earned E Dan in 91. If this is not the case, I sincerely apologize for my misunderstanding. I should have clarified that with Master Whitten before asking, but family and military commitments have made it hard to keep in touch.

  9. Sir,
    I am Dan # 21101 given by the Korean Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Association by Grandmaster Hwang Ki in 1977 and awarded the 2nd Dan in 1981

  10. I was speaking to my instructor Chung Jhoog Kim his Dan #161 date September of 1959. His Instructor was Han Hung Gu Dan # 136 ( Deceased 2001). Could you add these two gentlemen for the record.

  11. Sir.
    My Name is Gene Perceval or (Eugene). My Bon # 7954, When I was in Korea in 1964 and 1965, some how they misspell my full name, even though I signed the book. Would you be good enough to correct your spelling. I am still very active in the arts and teaching.
    Thank You

  12. Hi Sir,
    My name is Dennis Arriola from the Philippines. My Danbon is 39702. Could you please add mine too on this list? Kamsahamnida.

  13. Please add me to this distinguished list.

    Jay Kim
    Dan Bon #23650

    Trained under Sa Bom Nim Yong Ki Hong and Sa Bom Nim In Kee Hong.

  14. Sir,
    My instructor Master Gordon Rickard’s Dan bon is 21573 can you please add him.

    Also though I am very junior my Dan bon is 45336.

    Thank you
    Kyo Sa Louis Johnson, Southern Cross Tang Soo Do Australia.

  15. Dear Sir

    I was very happy to find this site. Please could you add me to the list.

    Paul Joseph Brown

    Trained in England, UK. Awarded by Master Kang Uk Lee 30/12/1986.

    Thank you.


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