Choong Jung Ee Jahng (2)

09Form: Choong Jung Ee Jahng (2)

1. Right foot steps south to left back stance, knifehand square
block (tension movement).
2. Shift into right back stance (facing north), knifehand square
block (tension movement).
3. Double step right foot to left, left foot steps 90 degrees to
east to right back stance, left low block. And.
4. In continuous motion, right reverse punch to middle section
5. Step forward to left back stance, right low block. And…
6. In continuous motion, left reverse punch to middle section.
7. #2 Left round kick to north. And…
8. In continuous motion, left side kick to north.
9. Land in left front stance, double inner forearm block to
10. No step, right reverse upset punch.
11. Left foot steps over to line (M-S), then right foot steps
forward to left back stance, right palm heel strike to north
high section. Kihap.
12. No step, left reverse palm heel strike to west high section.
13. #2 Left front kick to north. Step down to right foot.
14. Right foot steps clockwise 270 degrees to west to middle
stance, right horizontal elbow to right side high section.
15. Shift right foot to form left back stance to west, knifehand
square block.
16. Jump 180 degrees clockwise to right back stance, double
outer forearm block.
17. #3 Left jump round kick to west. (Advance one front stance
18. Land in left sparring stance to west, double outer forearm
19. Right foot steps clockwise 90 degrees to left rear stance to
south, double knifehand low block.
20. Right foot shifts south to middle stance, right long upset
ridgehand to middle section.
21. Left reverse hook kick to south. Kihap. And…
22. Land in right back stance to south, right reverse punch to
middle section.
23. Left ridgehand to high section.
24. #2 Right round kick to south. And…
25. In continuous motion, right side kick to south
26. Land in right front stance, double inner forearm block to south.
27. Left reverse upset punch
28. Right foot step to line (N-S), then left foot steps forward to right
back stance, left palm heel to south high section, And…
29. In continuous motion, right palm heel strike to west.
30. #2 Right front kick to south. Step down to left foot.
31. Left foot steps east to middle stance, left horizontal elbow to
left side high section. Kihap.
32. Left foot shifts to right back stance, knifehand square block.
33. Jump counterclockwise 180 degrees to land in left back stance
to east, double outer forearm block.
34. #3 Right jump round kick to east (advance 1 front stance
35. Land in right sparring stance, double outer forearm block.
36. Left foot steps to form right rear stance to north, double
knifehand low block.
37. Left foot shifts north to middle stance, left long punch upset
ridgehand strike to middle section.
38. Right reverse hook kick to north
39. Land in left back stance to north, left reverse punch to middle
40. Right ridgehand to high section
41. Left foot steps to right foot, rum clockwise to east; in doublestep
motion, right foot steps west to left front stance to east;
low X block with fists.
42. #2 Right front kick to east.
43. Land in left front stance, high X block with knifehands.
44. Left foot steps back to form right front stance (facing east), low
X block with fists.
45. #2 Left front kick to east.
46. Land in right front stance, high X block with knifehands.
Bahroh — Right foot steps back to ready position.
1. (A) Two hand choke.
(D) Palm heel strike to Median, Brachial stun with
backhand, Upset knifehand strike, Grab with interlocking
grip to neck, Deflate with two knee strikes, Clear with a
pressure point.
2. (


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