Chung San Poomse

증산 품새


Translates as “Peace of Mind and Tranquility”


Outer Crescent Kick. [36,56]

Spin Outer Crescent Kick. [37,57]

Step Spin Heel Kick. [69]

Jump Reverse Side Kick. [70]

Lockout Round Kick. [16,75] (Held at extension for 2 seconds using instep)

NEW BLOCKS: Ridgehand High/Low Block. [35,55] Downward Outer Forearm Block. [46] Advanced Double Ridgehand Block. [23,82] Circular Double Ridgehand Low Block. [17,76] Twin Outer Knifehand Block. [38,58] . Inner Forearm High/Low Block. [34,54] Low Open Hand Sweeping Block. [47]

NEW STRIKES: Long Fist Strike. [2,8] Twin Back Elbow Strikes To Sides. [28] Twin Horizontal Hammerfist To Sides. [68] Two Finger Strike. [24,83] Upset Spearhand Strike [39,59] Circular Double Downward Hammerfist Strike. [45,65] Twin Vertical Palm Heel Strike. [13,72] NEW STANCES: Half Sparring Stance. [46] (Rear stance length with feet angled as in sparring stance.) Front/Rear Stance. [29,49] (Rear stance with rear foot pointed forward.)

TYPES OF MOVEMENT: Skip Step: Similar to a #3 jump front kick without the kick. [49] Long Distance Jump Kick adds “2 stances” of additional forward movement. [26,67] (The longest Songahm form steps are one front or sparring sta

Form should take about 2:05 to 2:10 minutes from attention to final bow
All advanced open hand techniques begin in a closed hand position

READY STANCE: Left knifehand 1/2 command stance
I June Bee – Half command stance.
1. No step, right circular upset knifehand block to high section.
2. No step, left long fist strike to neck.
3. Left front kick; don’t step down.
4. Face north, left knifehand strike to north middle section.
5. Left side kick to north.
6. Left slow side kick to north.
7. Face east, step down to right foot, in double stepping motion, right steps to parallel
stance, left circular upset knifehand block to high section.
8. No step, right long fist strike to neck.
9. Right front kick to east; don’t step down.
10. Face south, right knifehand strike to south middle section.
11. Right side kick to south.
12. Right slow side kick to south.
—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
13. Right foot steps back to left stance to east; twin vertical palm heel strike to rib cage.
14. Right foot pulls north to right back stance, advanced double knifehand block to high section.
15. #1 Left round kick. And…
16. In a continuous motion, repeat left in-step round kick with 2- second “lockout”.
17. Step down to right foot, right steps back (west) in double stepping motion to right back
stance, circular double ridgehand low block.
18. No step, circular double knifehand block to high section.
19. Jump 1 stance length west while turning 180 degrees clockwise in air. (lift knees high)
Land facing east in left stance, advanced double outer forearm block to east high section.
20. No step, left reverse punch (body turns toward east) to middle section.
21. No step, right hand punch to east middle section.
22. No step, right circular inner forearm block to high section.
23. Right foot pulls to left rear stance, advanced double ridgehand block to high section.
24. No step, right slow two finger strike to eyes to east and return to blocking position (right
fingers stay as in strike); left hand stays in position.—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
25. Lift right leg to left one – leg stance; pivot 45 degrees to southeast diagonal while doing
slow right downward palm block.
26. Without stepping down, jump left inner crescent kick to southeast, striking right palm.
Land in middle stance with left foot 2 middle stance lengths forward (see note at end of
form). And…
27. In a continuous motion, left jump reverse inner crescent kick to southwest, striking right
palm. (gain 4 feet in jump)
28. Left middle stance, twin elbow strike to sides, shoulder level. Fists are palm down in
front of chest. Face southwest. (to front of stance)
—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—-
29. Right foot steps clockwise 45 degrees to left front/rear stance facing north, slow right
nine block with right knifehand and left fist.
30. Right front kick to north.
31. Land in right front stance to north, right circular ridgehand block to high section.
32. No step, left reverse two finger strike to eyes.
33. #3 Right jump front kick to north high section.
34. Land in parallel stance to north, Right high left low block with inner forearms.
35. No step, Left high, Right low ridgehand block.
36. Right outer crescent kick to north high section. And…
37. In a continuous motion, touching down behind left foot one back stance length, right
spin outer crescent kick to north high section.
38. Land in right back stance, twin knifehand block to north high section.
39. Right foot steps north one sparring stance length, ball of foot steps behind to right Xstance;
left upset spearhand strike to neck; right fist pulls to left shoulder, palm up.
40. Left foot steps back to right back stance, right hammerfist strike to north groin level.
41. No step, right back elbow strike to north middle section with left palm on right fist. (left
wrist is flat on side rib cage with fingers cupping right fist)
42. Left reverse hook kick to north. And…
43. In a continuous motion, left round kick to north. Kihap. And…
44. In a continuous motion, left side kick to north.
45. Land in left sparring stance to north, circle double downward hammerfist strike, slow, to
collarbone level.
46. Left foot pulls back to right foot in right half sparring stance, left downward outer forearm
block, belt level.
47. Left foot pulls to right foot to closed stance to east, left low open hand sweeping block to north.
48. Left foot steps to left sparring stance, left backfist strike to high section and pull back.
49. Skip step to right front/rear stance, slow left nine block with left knifehand and right fist.
50. Left front kick to north.
51. Land in left front stance to north, left circular ridgehand block to high section.
52. Right reverse two-finger strike to eyes.
53. #3 Left jump front kick to north high section.
54. Land in parallel stance to north, left high right low block with inner forearms.
55. No step, right high, left low ridgehand block.
56. Left outer crescent kick to north high section. And…
57. In a continuous motion, touching down behind right foot one back stance length, left
spin outer crescent kick to north high section.
58. Land in left back stance, twin knifehand block to north high section.
59. Left foot steps north one sparring stance length, ball of right foot steps behind to left Xstance;
right upset spearhand strike to neck; left fist pulls to right shoulder, palm up.
60. Right foot steps back to right back stance, left hammerfist strike to north, groin level.
61. No step, left back elbow strike to north with right palm on left fist. (right wrist is flat on
side rib cage with fingers cupping right fist)
62. Right reverse hook kick to north. And…
63. In a continuous motion, right round kick to north. Kihap. And…
64. In a continuous motion, right side kick to north.
65. Land in sparring stance to north, circle double downward hammerfist strike, slow, collarbone
—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
66. Lift left foot to right one-leg stance; pivot 45 degrees to southeast diagonal while doing
slow left downward palm block.
67. Without stepping down, right jump inner crescent kick to southeast striking left palm.
Land in middle stance with right foot two middle stance lengths forward. (see note at
end of form)
68. Twin hammerfist strikes to both sides, shoulder level.
69. Left foot steps forward 1 sparring stance length, right spin heel kick to southeast. And…
70. In a continuous motion, touch down 1 sparring stance length behind left foot, and
immediately execute right jump reverse side kick to southeast. (gaining 4 feet as in
“new movement”)
71. Land in right sparring stance, advanced double outer forearm block, high section.—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
72. Left foot steps west to form right front stance to east, twin vertical palm heel strike to rib
73. Left foot pulls south to left back stance, advanced double knifehand block to high
74. #1 Right round kick. And…
75. In a continuous motion, repeat right in-step round kick with 2-second “lockout”.
76. Step down to left foot, left foot steps back (west) in double stepping motion to left back
stance, circular double ridgehand low block.
77. No step, circular double knifehand block to high section.
78. Jump 1 stance length to west while turning 180 degrees counter clockwise in air. (lift
knees high) Land facing east in right back stance, advanced double outer forearm block
to east high section.
79. No step, right reverse punch (body turns toward east) to middle section.
80. No step, left hand punch to east middle section.
81. No step, left circular inner forearm block to high section.
82. Left foot pulls to right rear stance, advanced double ridgehand block to high section.
83. No step, left slow two finger strike to eyes and return to blocking position (left hand
stays as in strike); right hand stays in position.
Bah-ro – Left foot steps to end position.
Shi-uh – At ease position


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