Sok Bom Poomse

1. Right foot jumps east to right X-stance, ball of left foot should be 1 sparring stance length from
center; double knifehand strike to east middle section.
2. Pivot 180 degrees counterclockwise, left spin heel kick to east high section, left foot lands (on
center point) in sparring stance, facing west.
3. Right knee drops to floor, right hand drops to floor; left sweep (bottom of foot sweeps ankle
level in motion like heel kick) to east. And…4. In a continuous motion, left round kick to southeast.
5. Left foot lands east to right knee stance (similar to back stance, but with rear knee on floor in
line with front heel; instep on floor), right upset knifehand block to southeast high section.
6. No step, left vertical punch to southeast middle section.
7. No step, simultaneous left knifehand high block, right upset knifehand strike to east high
8. No step, left arc hand strike to east high section.
9. No step, right high upward elbow strike to left palm toward east.
10. Jump to middle stance with left foot in position, right foot stepping east, double outer forearm
block to east.
11. Left foot moves west to long stance (left foot on center point) (four foot lengths wide; rear leg
pivoted to rear and knee bent 90 degrees, front leg is extended), right downward palm heel
block to east with tension (5 seconds) as right leg straightens.
12. Left foot steps to right, right jump side kick to east middle or high section. Land feet together
facing north.
13. Pivot 180 degrees counterclockwise, left foot steps east to right back stance, C-punch (middle
& high section) to east.
14. Right foot shifts to form left front stance to east, high twin upset knifehand strike to east, neck
level. And…
15. In a continuous motion, twin knifehand block to east.
16. Right foot pulls to shield left knee in left one legged stance (left foot on east point), twin punch
to east high section.
—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
17. Left jump front kick to northeast high section; right foot lands 1 sparring stance length southwest
(on diagonal) ; left foot does not step down.
18. No step, in place, right jump front kick to southeast high section. Left foot lands in place; right
does not step down.
19. Left jump front kick to northwest high section. Right foot lands in place, then left foot lands to
the southwest to form left back stance toward northeast.
20. No step, tension (5 seconds) double knifehand low block to northeast.
21. Pivot in place to right back stance, tension (5 seconds) double knifehand block
to southwest.
22. Right foot steps together to left foot, right jump round kick to southwest. Land 1 rear stance
to southwest in right sparring stance. And…
23. In a continuous motion, left spin crescent kick to southwest.
24. Land in left back stance, double outer forearm block to southwest. Kihap.
25. No step, left reverse first knuckle upset punch to southwest midsection.
26. Left foot steps to right, right steps forward to left back stance (right foot on south point), leftreverse first finger strike to southwest high section.
27. #2 Left inner crescent kick to southwest, (prepare to land to north).
—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
28. Land in right rear stance to north (right foot at center point), left inward palm heel block to
29. No step, right reverse punch to north middle section. And…
30. In a continuous motion, no step, left punch to north middle section. And…
31. In a continuous motion, no step, right reverse punch to north high section.
32. Left foot steps north to right back stance, double inner forearm block to north
high section.
33. No step, right high, left low block to north.
34. No step, left high, right low palm heel block (high blocks upwards, low blocks down-wards
with tension (5 seconds)
35. #2 right front kick to north low section. And…
36. In a continuous motion, right round kick. And…
37. In a continuous motion, right hook kick.
38. Land in middle stance to north. Left foot steps to right for #3 hook kick to north. And…
39. In a continuous motion, right round kick to north.
40. Right foot lands on center point in left back stance, right upset arc hand strike to north, neck
41. Left foot steps to right in closed stance to north (both feet on center point), left circular downward
hammerfist strike to right palm, middle section.
—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
42. Right foot steps clockwise west to right back stance to east (right foot on center point), circle
double downward knifehand strike to east, slow. (2 seconds)
43. #1 left side kick to east.
44. Retracting leg, turn clockwise 180 degrees to land (body faces north), in long stance (four foot
lengths wide; rear leg pivoted to rear and knee bent 90 degrees, front leg is extended), tension
left downward palm heel block to west as left leg straightens (5 seconds). Kihap.
45. Left foot shifts to left back stance to east, middle knifehand X-block to east.
46. Left foot steps together to right foot; left knee sets down to west, both palms on floor to west,
right side kick to east. And…
47. In a continuous motion, repeat right side kick to east.
48. Right lands to left foot, left foot moves 1 rear stance west to right knee stance (similar to back
stance, but with rear knee on floor in line with front heel; instep on floor), simultaneous leftknifehand high block, right vertical ridgehand strike to west, groin level.
49. No step, left upset knifehand block to west high section. And…
50. In a continuous motion, no step, right reverse punch to west middle section. And…
51. In a continuous motion, left punch to west middle section.
52. Jump up 1 rear stance length to west to left X-stance, double knifehand strike to west, middle
53. Right spin heel kick to west high section.
54. Right foot lands to east in right back stance to west, slow (2 seconds) double ridgehand block
to west high section.
55. No step, C-block (as if grabbing an attacker’s stick, middle & high section) to west.
56. Right foot steps west 1 sparring stance length, left jump spin heel kick to west.
57. Land in left back stance to west (right foot on west point), double ridgehand block to west high
58. No step, slow (2 seconds) C-block (as if grabbing an attacker’s stick, middle & high section)
to west.
59. Left foot pulls to shield right knee in right one legged stance (right foot on west point), twin
punch to west high section.
—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
60. Right jump front kick to southwest, left foot lands 1 sparring stance length northeast (on
diagonal), right foot does not step down.
61. No step, left jump front kick to southeast. Right foot lands in place, left leg does not step
62. No step, in place right jump front kick to northwest.
63. Right foot lands on northeast diagonal in right rear stance, twin downward palm heel block.
(wrists touching)
64. Left jump reverse side kick to northeast. Land in left sparring stance to northeast with right
foot remaining in place. Kihap.
65. Right foot steps 1 sparring stance length northeast, left spin heel kick to northeast, Land in
middle stance.
66. Double step northeast to middle stance (right foot on north point), twin back elbow strike to
—(Direction Change on Line Corner)—
67. Left foot steps to right for low closed stance to north, slow (2 seconds) twin palm heel push to
sides, shoulder level.
68. Left foot steps counterclockwise to right rear stance to south (right foot on north point). Low
right reverse inner forearm block to south. And…69. In a continuous motion, left downward punch.
70. Right reverse punch to south middle section. And…
71. In a continuous motion, right repeat punch to south middle section. And…
72. In a continuous motion, left punch to middle section.
73. Left foot steps to right, right foot steps south to left back stance (left foot on north point), right
high, left low block to south with tension. (5 seconds)
74. #2 Left front kick to low or middle section. And…
75. In a continuous motion, left round kick. And…
76. In a continuous motion, left hook kick.
77. Land in left sparring stance to south, right foot steps to left for #3 left hook kick to south.
78. In a continuous motion, left round kick to south.
79. Land in right back stance to south (left foot on center point), right reverse augmented circular
downward hammerfist strike (elbow of striking arm on back fist of other arm) to south.
80. No step, left circular downward augmented backfist strike (elbow of striking arm on back fist
of other arm) to south.
81. Right foot steps south to middle stance (body faces east, left foot on center point). Double
circle knifehand low block to north.
82. No step, circle double outer forearm low block to south.
83. No step, circle double inner forearm block to north high section.
84. No step, circle double ridgehand block to south high section.
Bah-ro – Right foot steps across to end position.
Shi-uh – At ease position


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